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I was worried sick. Everything was going perfectly fine until Monday.

Amir wasn't at school but I didn't think too much of it. Maybe he had a doctors appointment or he was skipping my class to kiss in Brysons car.

I didn't get worried until Kelly told me when she went to check on Onika, she wasn't there.

As if that didn't have me worried enough, Kelly said she saw one of Imanis socks outside.

It's been about five minutes since Kelly told me that. I didn't want to jump to conclusions and think the worst case scenario's but I couldn't help it.

Now I could just be overreacting but it just seems weird. It's better to be safe than sorry.

"Bey what do you want us to do? Do you want me to go back to her house and see if she's there?"

"I'll just call Imanis iPad. She'll probably answer at home or at a doctors office or maybe Onikas car. If she doesn't answer, we'll know somethings wrong."

We sat down and I started to Facetime Imani. It started connecting right when I was about to press the end button.

It wasn't Imani that answered the phone, it was some random it was some random man. "Hello? Who's this?"

Who's this? I should be asking them that.

I just hung up. "Who the fuck was that?"

"Let me call Onika not because something not adding up."

I watched Kelly get her phone out and call Onika. She actually answered.

"Hello? Girl where are you?"

"Put it on speaker."

Kelly was about to but then she paused. "She said she wants to talk to me first then she'll talk to you."

I sat and let them talk. I was glad to know the she was safe. I was letting my thoughts get the best of me.

After Kelly was done talking, she hung up. That wasn't apart of the plan, she said I could talk to her after she was done.

"Why'd you hang up?"

"She had to go. She's fine, she's in New York."

"New York?!"

"Yeah, she said she left yesterday after school. She's okay, I heard Imanis voice in the background too."

"Did she sound okay?"

I hope she went over there by choice and not because anything happened to her dad. I'm praying already.

"She sounded happy. Before she hung up, she told me her mom was calling to eat. I could hear the smile in her voice."

That made me smile, I was happy if she was happy. "I need to talk to her myself. I'm way too paranoid right now."

"She's just eating so it shouldn't take that long. Let's get drunk."

"I have work tomorrow."

"And? How many chances are you going to have to get drunk with Kelly Rowland? Don't forget I don't like here."

"Hypothetically, would we be getting drunk here or do you want to go out?"

I wanted to get drunk. I don't even get hungover and if I feel that bad I can just put on a video and let them use their phones.

"Let's stay in. We can Instacart some snacks and watch that ultimatum show."


"It's giving a wine night. We should get pizza too, I feel like pizza and wine kinda go together."

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