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I woke up still laying on Bey. I couldn't have been asleep more than an hour or two, it was still bright outside.

"Are you awake?" Bey whispered, she was sitting up on her phone.

"Yeah, I just woke up. Is your little problem fixed?"

When I went to sleep her.. thing was still very hard. She said if we stopped talking about it, it would go down but that wasn't the case.

"I don't appreciate your use of the word little, I actually-"

"Okay, is your big problem fixed?"

That made her start smiling, "Yes."

"I have to make sure Imanis okay." I was about to get up but she stopped me.

"I just checked up on her without waking you up. She's still sleeping."

"Okay." I could feel myself starting to go back to sleep. I was going to take advantage of this situation, I never sleep with other people let alone cuddle with them in bed and I liked it.

Beys only rule was that I had to try and I was doing that. I was new to this, I've never been in a healthy adult relationship before.

In all the "adult relationships" I was in, I was a minor. August was right about what he said about me and older men but I didn't like them, they chased me. It shouldn't matter either way, it was wrong.

"Are you okay with Robyn coming over here? She-"

"Yeah. I'm going back to sleep, goodnight." I was so close to falling back asleep, I didn't want to talk.

I woke up on the living room couch. I don't know how I got here but Bey probably carried me down here.

Everyone was talking in the kitchen. Robyn was here now and Imani was awake. Even Amir got off the game for a second.

"So you're telling me you were in my moms room.. alone?"

"She was sleeping the entire time. Calm down before I make you run a lap."

"Bey stop lying, you know you-"

"There's a child present."

"I watch Disney Channel." Imani hates when people try to act like she's a baby.

I stretched and stood up, that was a really good nap.

I walked into the kitchen and Bey was holding Imani, Robyn was leaning against the kitchen island, and Amir was sitting on the counter.

As soon as he saw me he got down. He knew better, he was just trying to show out.

"Onika! Where have you been? I was calling you for hoursss!" Robyn was acting like she hasn't heard from me in months.

"My phone broke a little, sorry. It's only been a couple hours, you're so dramatic."

"Your phone broke a little? What happened?"


"It broke when my daddy threw her. She probably has a couscous like last-"

"Imani." They called her a child now she's trying to be grown and put all my business out there.

"No no. Continue with what you were saying." Bey was already looking mad.

"No. Imani come here." I tried to take Imani out of her hands but she held Imani over her head.

Imani was just giggling from being lifted in the air.

"What's she talking about?" Amir had his arms crossed over his chest.

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