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I woke up feeling a lot better. I wasn't back a hundred percent but I was feeling good enough to do my normal activities.

Imani somehow convinced me to let her stay home. But people don't believe me when I say she's a manipulator.

I got my car detailed earlier this morning after I dropped Amir off and it didn't take long.

Imani asked me if we could go see Coach Knowles so she could give her a present and I agreed because I wanted to do something for her too.

I was so grateful for everything she did for me. I just feel bad about bothering her so much.

I can't remember the last time someone took care of me when I was sick. Probably when I was in middle school.

I wasn't used to being taken care of, I'm always the one taking care of people. From my siblings, to any relationship I've been in, to my kids obviously.

To show my appreciation, I was gonna bake her cookies. I found a good vegan sugar cookie recipe and Imani was going to help me make them.

I know she's a vegetarian but I don't know the difference between that and being a vegan. We eat meat over here.

I was making cut out cookies and I know Imani was going to help me so earlier I made the cookie dough, shaped them, and put them in the freezer.

I have way too much time on my hands.

I wanted to take the cookies to her during her lunch so I was in a little bit of a rush.

Imani was no help at all. The only thing she was doing was trying to eat everything. You would think I don't feed her with the way she acts.

The cookies baked into the shapes of bees and I let Imani decorate some and I frosted some to look like actual bees.

Imani made sure to get her chefs hat before we started. She made me call her "Chef Mani" the whole time too.

This sounds a lot more complicated than it was, it didn't take me that much time to do it all.

We finished with not a time left left we had to leave but we couldn't leave because Imani had to change into her tutu and tiara.

"Where did you get that from?" I don't remember buying her that.

"BeyBey." She started skipping to the car without me.

She bought her a tutu?

I helped Imani in the car and put the Tupperware container with the cookies in the passenger seat. I needed eyes on them the whole time or Imani would steal them.

"Mommy can I have a cookie?" Imani asked a couple minutes into the car ride.

"How many cookies did you already have?" She thinks I'm dumb. I watched her steal cookies off the cooling rack and I didn't say anything.

"Only one."



"Now you can't have anymore because you like to lie. That's not a good habit to have, seriously."

She started whining so I stopped listening. She knows better, I want her to learn to communicate properly.

I got her some Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets because she kept complaining about being hungry.

We got to school a couple minutes after her lunch started.

I knocked on her office door and I could hear her yell "come in!" from the other side of the door.

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