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this is just some insight into beys life and past since it's almost always onika povs and y'all don't know a lot about her


I was dreading going to my moms house for dinner after our phone call. The only thing she said was "we'll talk later," but I know what that means.

I hate Richard. A grown man gossiping with his wife about her grown ass daughter. I'm grown, I can kiss whoever I want to in my own damn office.

Usually Robyn would come with me to these dinners but I'm "dead to her," so I'm on my own.

It's only been a couple hours but I miss her. She's like one of three people I know here and she's the only one I talk to all day every day.

Our argument was so dumb but I actually don't think she'll get over it. It was something she should've known if she did her job correctly and used common sense.

Before I went to my moms house, I had to go the gym and get all my anger out. I have to before every dinner or I would completely lose it in there.

After the gym I took a long shower and got dressed in the most boring outfit I could find. I didn't need something else for her to criticize.

I drove as slowly as possible to get there as late as possible. I pulled up to the house and rolled my eyes, nobody needs a house this big.

The only reason she even got this house was to upset my dad by spending all the money she got from the divorce on a house for her and someone else.

My dad and I's relationship wasn't perfect either but I would pick him over her in a heartbeat. He's the only one I really kept in contact with after I left.

I got there and knocked on the door quietly. I was hoping she would be on the other side of the house so someone else could open the door for me.

Thank God Solange opened the door. She just nodded at me and I nodded back, we don't really talk like that.

She walked inside the house and I followed her. I was just going to go wherever she went so I could avoid talking to my mom for as long as I could.

"You following me?" She stopped walking and eyed me skeptically.

"Yeah. Avoiding your mom."

That's all I needed to say, she understood. She took a detour to grab a bottle of some expensive alcohol from a rack and walked up the stairs.

She walked into a room, it looked like it was hers. She has a room here even though she lives here and I don't even have a place to put my jacket.

"Why are you hiding now?" She held the bottle out for me and I took it. She plopped down on the bed and I sat down next to her.

"Richard caught me kissing someone in my office and he told her. Now she wants to talk." I took a swig of what was in the bottle and scrunched my face up, I don't like strong alcohol.

"I thought we all already met your girlfriend? What's the problem?"

"She wasn't my girlfriend, we work together." I passed the bottle back to her and she drank without making a face.

"You're cheating again? I thought that was a college thing." We started passing the bottle back and forth while talking.

"What? Her and I haven't done anything like that ever. The woman he caught me with is someone I'm dating."

"She has a fat ass?" I forgot she was like this, her and Robyn might actually be perfect for each other. I would never let Robyn touch her.

"She's very nice." That wasn't even true, she's so mean.

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