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After I dropped Bey off, I called Imanis doctor and he told me I should take her to the hospital just incase.

The fact that she was sleeping for so long wasn't sitting well with me. I know Imani loves sleep and she'll sleep forever if she doesn't get woken up but still.

After about an hours, they told me she was going to be fine but they were going to wait until she woke up on her own to check other things.

I told them they would be waiting forever if they were waiting on her to wake up on her own but they said just to wait.

The first person I called was obviously August. He didn't answer, of course. I called him a second time, maybe his phone was on do not disturb.

He didn't answer this time either. I probably wouldn't hear from him for a couple weeks. He always goes M.I.A after he messes things up.

I'm not even surprised anymore, this is normal. He'll call me in a couple weeks asking me to bring Imani to him. He'll get her a bunch of toys, candy, and clothes and she'll forget how much of a disappointment he is.

He'll either apologize to me and tell me he's going to be better or start an argument with me to make me seem like a bad person. After that doesn't work, he'll throw money at the situation like he does with everything.

This is a routine for him. The only thing that's changed is now he's more violent with me.

I texted Bey to know that we were at the hospital and not at home because that's where she thinks we were.

She said she was on her way as soon as my message sent. I knew she wasn't done with her work yet but she was coming anyways.

After about 30 minutes of waiting, she called me. "Hello?"

"Hey, I'm here. What's the room number?"

"I'm not sure, I'll check and text it to you."

"Okay, bye."

I hung up and got up to check the room number next to the door. I texted her the room number and sat back down.

A second later, Bey knocked on the door frame then came all the way in the room.

She looked at Imani, made a yikes face, and covered the side of her face to block herself from seeing Imani. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine." I patted the seat next to me. She walked over to me and kissed my forehead before sitting down. "Did you just kiss my forehead?"

"Do you not like forehead kisses?"

"It was just strange and random, I don't have a problem with it."

"Oh. Is she breathing? I'm sorry, that's so insensitive but she looks kinda scary like that." I understand, I don't want to look at her either.

Tylenol isn't that big of a deal but Imani is so small and August gave her so much.

The doctor told me if I didn't bring her to the hospital or if I didn't find out, she could've gotten something called acetaminophen toxicity which could've given her liver damage or even killed her.

August is really the dumbest grown man living.

"She's sleeping, the doctor said they have to wait until she wakes up on her own to check some things then we can leave. She's fine."

"Until she wakes up on her own? She's not going to do that on her own especially with medication." It's crazy, I said the exact same. I don't even know how she knows that about Imani.

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