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Bey came over last night and we went straight to sleep. We were both so tired we barely even spoke.

My alarm woke me up and I quickly turned it off so I wouldn't wake Bey up. She woke up anyways and stretched with her arm that wasn't around me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up but good morning."

"What time is it?" That voice again, whew.

"Way too early, go back to sleep. I'll be back in a minute."

"Where are you going?" She put her other arm around me securely.

"I have to wake Amir and Imani up." And get Imani ready. And make them both breakfast. And lunch. And take Imani to school.

I know we just back but I need an empty house so Imanis going back to preschool. I can't get things done with her running around.

"Okay." She moved her arms off me. "I'm going back to sleep."

"'Kay." I pecked her lips and got out of bed.

Before I woke either one of them up, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I went to wake Amir up first since he takes longer to get ready. Now it makes sense.

I knocked on his door until I heard him mumble incoherent words. He was awake enough.

I went into Imanis room next and she was still sleeping. Her little bonnet came off while she was sleeping.

I picked her up and took her to the bathroom. I did the little water trick to wake her up.

She was awake but she wasn't talking, she was just looking around like she woke up on a different planet.

I helped her brush her teeth, every time I would try and put the toothbrush in her hand she would make her hand go limp so she didn't have to do it herself.

After a long shower and an an even longer argument over a tutu, she was finally ready. I respect that she can go from looking like a baby stud to a princess whenever she wants.

While Imani was picking what shoes she wanted to wear, I went to make sure Amir was getting ready.

I was about to knock on his door but I could hear water running so I didn't have to.

I went back into Imanis room and she was putting her shoes on the wrong feet. I put her shoes on the right feet and helped her to her feet.

We went downstairs and I put something educational on her iPad, she's only been watching cartoons and Judge Judy since we left for Houston.

I started with their lunch because it doesn't need to be hot. Since Imani isn't at a full day preschool, they only have a snack time.

I decided to just make them waffles for breakfast, we didn't have that much time.

After I was done I made both of them plates. Imani say down to eat and Amir was still upstairs getting ready.

While Imani was still occupied, I went upstairs to my room. Bey wasn't sleeping, she was talking on the phone.

Who is she laughing with on the phone this early?

She wasn't even on the phone for another minute after I walked in. "That was Robyn before you start anything."

"Oh. What did she want?"

"Me to go back, she doesn't like leading practice. I don't even know how she found out we got back."

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