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It was Valentine's day, the day of my date with Bey. I wasn't excited but I wasn't not excited either, I'll just see how it goes.

I just hope we don't end up at McDonald's or something.

Robyn was going to be watching Imani when I'm out. She was just happy Bey and I were going on a date.

Over the weekend, I went to the mall with Robyn and Imani and they both tried to get me to wear something way too revealing.

We came to a compromise, I was going to wear something that was a total "mom dress" as Robyn would say, as long as I could cover it up with a cardigan.

We were going out at night but not that late, she had work in the morning and I had to wake up early in the morning.

I didn't know where we were going but she told me to dress nice and she said sweatsuits weren't allowed.

After I heard someone ring the doorbell I checked the time and she was early. Or I was running late but still, why would she be on time?

I opened my door to yell in the hallway, "Amir get the door!"

After I heard his door open I went back to getting ready. I finished getting dressed and curled my eyelashes a second time.

I started walking down the stairs but I stopped when I heard what Amir and Bey were talking about.

"No PDA. Ever."

"We haven't-"

"No details please. You can't yell at me in my own house and I'm not calling you anything but coach."

"I wouldn't expect any different."

"Nah nigga she's about to be step daddy BeyBey." Robyn started loudly laughing. I just hope Imanis not down here to listen to her curse.

"You're not funny. You guys can't do anything if me or Imani is home. Hands stay above her waist during hugs and anything else. The only thing you can call her is Onika if I'm around. No Moth-"

"Amir that's enough." I had to come the rest of the way downstairs and stop him, he would've said a hundred more rules if I didn't.

"Wow." Beys eyes started darting around the room, purposely avoiding my direction. "I got you flowers." She handed me the flowers without looking at me.

(dress in media)

"Thank you, you didn't have to." I took the flowers and set them down on the table, I would put them in a vase later.

"Thank God you took my advice and left that ugly sweater upstairs." Robyn had Imani in her lap and she moved her and set her down so she could stand up.

I completely forgot about the cardigan. That's why Bey wasn't looking at me, that's hilarious.

"Do you need me to get one of my jackets for you? Or should I get one of yours?" Amir stood up ready to walk up the stairs.

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now