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short filler


Today, I was going to bring Bey lunch. I still had the cookbook from Robyn and I wanted to try more recipes.

I made her lettuce wraps this time, I think she likes stuff like that. I was busy cleaning so I didn't have time to make anything better.

I got to the school and I went to see Robyn first like I always do. Her problems with Bey really don't have anything to do to me.

I knocked on the door and she yelled that I could come in. "Hey Robyn."

"Hi Nika, it feels like I haven't seen you in forever." She stood up to give me a hug.

"It's only been like a week. You need to come over, I'll cook for you." I really missed her, I used to see her so much more often before.

"Okay, we can get drunk too."

"Or we could enjoy nice glasses of water. Your liver is begging for it."

"Shut up bitch. Go see the person you came to see." She rolled her eyes and her whole mood shifted when she mentioned Bey.

"What's going on with you guys? You really need to make up with each other."

"I would rather be friends with satan himself, no. I'll call you after I get home so we can make plans for later this week."

I sighed, "Okay bye."

I left her office and walked into Beys office. She looked up from her glasses and smiled.

"You came." She pushed her glasses higher up her nose bridge with one finger like a nerd.

"I brought you lunch, have you eaten yet?" I set the Tupperware container in front of her on her desk.

"No, thank you. This looks really good." She opened her arms for me and I walked around her desk to her side.

I sat sideways in her lap to give her a hug comfortably. Being in her lap isn't weird anymore.

"What's in this?" She opened the container and smelled it.

"Just eat it."

She side eyed me and took a bite of one. "Mmmm, this is good. Thank you." She said after she finished chewing.

"Do you moan like a girl when you have sex?"


"It was one of Robyn's questions. She just mentioned it when I was in her office so I'm asking you." I made this up on the spot.

She laughed, "What's gotten into you?"

"I don't know, I like you."

"No I don't moan like a girl, why would I?"

"So you basically grunt? Or are you just completely silent?"

"I guess... I grunt? Are we about to have sex?"

Why would she think that?

"Probably not. You're not putting that thing inside me."

She pouted, "Why not?"

"Big dicks are only good to look at, they don't feel good. I'm too small for all that." It could probably break me in half, I want no parts.

"Big? I'm average."

"I've seen you naked. I've also felt it under me, you're far from average."

She playfully waved me off. "Stop, I'm blushing."

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