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i'm still mad at you guys but here


Bey pissed me off yesterday. After taking the night to think and gather my thoughts, I was even more pissed off.

She's a liar. This isn't the first time she's looked me right in the eyes and lied to me.

I'll say this again, she's not nearly as dumb or innocent as she seems. She knows exactly what she's doing.

She's like one of my kids, lying just to lie.

I was glad she didn't come over last night, she would've gotten cussed out so bad she would've had to break up with me.

Her feelings get hurt when I talk to her normally, she would've went home and cried by the time I was done with her.

I did struggle to sleep without her. This was the second time I've had to sleep without her since before Houston.

I had to take sleeping pills and cuddle with a pillow to go to sleep. It's so weird, I slept alone for years but after sleeping with her for a couple weeks, I can't sleep without her.

I didn't want to depend on her the way I do but it's too late. It's been barely a day, I shouldn't miss her as much as I do.

I was surprised when she didn't text or call me all day. I was constantly checking my phone for a notification from her but I didn't get one.

She's really showing her true colors I guess. When someone shows you their true colors, you don't ignore it.

I was in the kitchen about to make myself tea so I could go to sleep and someone knocked on the door.

I set down my mug and went to open the door. Amir was literally sitting in the living room playing his game so he could've opened the door. Just lazy.

I let him have his game thing downstairs instead of in his room. He's still on punishment.

I opened the door and Bey was standing there holding a grey hoodie.

"Can we talk? I brought a peace offering." She smiled and held up the hoodie.

I fake smiled and took the hoodie then mugged her. "No." I slammed the door in her face.

I didn't want to talk to her. She lied. She's a liar, there's nothing else to talk about.

I went back into the kitchen to finish making my tea. I sat at the island and drank the tea while I started a new book for my book club.

I could feel myself start to get drowsy so I put my mug in the sink and turned the kitchen lights off.

I walked into the living room to say goodnight to Amir and imagine my surprise when I see Bey on the couch with him playing that basketball game.

"What the hell? What are you doing here?"

"I knocked on the door and Amir opened it." She didn't even look at me, she was too into the game.

"That doesn't explain why you're sitting on my couch playing games."

She shrugged, "I like 2k. I'll leave after this, I'm sorry."

Amir shrugged just like her. Oh no, she got to him too. "We're doing best out of three, you should just go to sleep. I'll lock the door after she leaves."

"You're playing games with her after she cheated on me? Your own mother?" If she can lie I can lie too.

"You cheated on my mom?" He didn't even pause the game.

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