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yeah let's just never believe anything i say ever again


I woke up feeling like shit.

It hurt to move my body and my head felt so heavy. I went through half a box of tissues in an hour.

I definitely had whatever Imani had. She said she felt better but she still had a fever so I couldn't send her to school.

I just made her some cereal and brought her back into my room to watch cartoons or whatever else she wanted to watch.

I let Amir drive my car to school. My body was way too weak to drive for 45 minutes. He knows better than to put my baby in harms way.

It definitely still smells like throw up, I was going to get it cleaned today but I obviously can't now.

I didn't even want to take any medication because it would make me fall asleep and I couldn't leave Imani home unattended.

I felt myself slipping in and out of sleep but I was trying my best to stay awake.

My phone starting ringing but I couldn't move at all, I didn't know if I was awake or asleep.

"Mommy it's BeyBey, can I answer?"

I don't know if I responded or not but she answered.

"Hello?... BeyBey!" I could feel the bed start to move from her jumping or something.

"No, mommy's sick." I felt her shake my shoulder. "She's not saying anything back. I think she's sleepy.. Yay! Can you bring me waffles too?"

Food is her first priority, she's not even worried about her sick mother anymore.

"I can't reach the door but there's a secret key somewhere I'm not allowed to tell anybody." She started into the phone and giggling after that.

That was the last thing I remembered before being shaken awake.

I opened my eyes but closed them when the light hit my eyes and groaned.

"Are you okay? Well I know you're not okay, obviously but are you?"

"I feel great, just a little tired."

"I can see a sweat mark of your face on your pillow." That's disgusting.

"It's probably just a little cold, I'm fine. Don't you have classes to teach?" This is why I can't believe they're teachers.

"I don't teach second period so I came to check up on you. Imani's downstairs eating waffles and watching Doc McStuffins. She said she wants to be a doctor because of me."

"Thank you." Lord knows I wouldn't have been able to do it.

"Have you taken any medication? You look terrible no offense."

Did she really just say that?

"No I need to be awake to take care of Imani." She would raid the fridge and pantry if she knew I was asleep and unable to move.

"I can take her with me, she could help me teach or me and Robyn would watch her depending on who doesn't have a class."

"No that's too much." She's done more than enough for me, I feel bad.

"It's really no problem, it would actually be fun. I got some Tylenol for you but you have to eat first."

"No, It'll make my stomach hurt."

"I got you some soup, it won't. You have to eat or it'll mess up your stomach lining."

I shook my head no, I could feel myself falling back asleep.

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