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Sunday morning, I had to get Imani from Augusts house. I missed my baby even if she was only gone for the weekend.

I had to take Amir to practice but I was going to get Imani first since Augusts house was in the opposite direction.

When I got to his house, I texted August that I was outside, I usually never get out. When I dropped Imani off I didn't even look in his direction, he still has me fucked up.

Imani came running out the house and August was walking behind her. He has an actual shirt this time. Thank God, nobody wants to see that bird chest.

"Hey Nic." He opened the back door to help Imani inside.

"Hello." I was going to play nice, I needed something from him. I rolled my window down and he came to the my side of the car.

"What?" At least he knows I wouldn't be nice to him for no reason.

"Could you do something for me please?"


"Amir needs a car. Could you get him one?" I smiled to show off my dimples.

"Let me take you on a date for Valentine's day."

I had to roll my eyes, this is the second time I'm being asked out for Valentine's day.

"I have plans that day."

"With that bitch?"

"Watch your mouth in front of my child." He's so dumb.

He leaned in the window so Imani couldn't hear him. "Is that who you have plans with on Valentine's day?"

"Don't worry about it." I don't know why he feels entitled to any information about what I have going on.

"Onika I'm not playing with you."

"Yes my plans are with her. She's taking me on a date." I just wanted to provoke him, I'm not going out with her.

"Call her." He was getting mad for no reason, I wouldn't have gone on a date with him even if I didn't have these fake plans.

"For what?"

"I wanna talk to her."

I laughed right in his face. "Again, for what? Nobody going to gain anything from that conversation." And I'm lying.

"Just call her, I won't even say anything. I wanna see something."

"See what?"

"Just do it and I'll give you the car."

"Fine." He doesn't even realizing he's setting me up with someone else right now.

I called Bey and she answered on the second ring, that was weirdly fast. "Hello?"

"Hey. You said Valentine's day right?"

"The date? Really?" I could hear her excitement over the phone.

"Yeah let's do it. You can't wear a sweatsuit though." Guys love to do that, you'll be dressed up and they'll have on jeans and a plain t shirt.

"Where we're going sweatsuits won't even be allowed. This is going to the best date ever, trust me."

"Okay well we can talk about the details later, I have to go I'm picking Imani up right now."

"Okay, talk to you later Onika." She hung up right after.

August was fuming. He really did this to himself.

"Then let me take you on a better date before that. I can take you to Mexico for dinner."

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