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i lied but i really do have to stop writing so much my grades are terrible


It was Friday afternoon and I couldn't take Imani to Augusts house until Bey got off work. I wanted to take her as early as possible so I could have the night to myself but she was taking forever.

This is why I didn't want Imani to tell anyone. I can't even go there by myself anymore.

After Amir came home I knew it wouldn't be that long until she got here. I just hope she goes home to take a shower first.

While I was waiting I made Imani food, Lord knows what August feeds her over there.

Bey called me about an hour later. "Hello?"

"Hey, I just got out the shower so you can start to come whenever you're ready."

"I was waiting on you so I'm about to leave now. I'll let you know when I'm outside." I hung up and got all of Imanis stuff ready.

I cleaned Imani up a little bit because she's a messy eater and put her in her car seat. I remembered my way to Beys house so I didn't have to use a gps this time.

After I got to her house I called Bey again. "I'm outside."

"I'm not ready but the doors open so you can just come in."

"You leave your door unlocked?"

"I live in a good neighborhood and I knew you were coming."

"Don't do that anymore." Maybe I was just being paranoid but its better to be safe than sorry.

"Okay, come in." She hung up before I could.

"Imani you ready to see BeyBey?" I got our the car to get Imani out.

"This is where BeyBey lives?" She had the same reaction as me.

"I know right."

I picked her up and walked to Beys door. It was open like she said so I just walked in.

"Bey!" I walked closer to her room door but I didn't walk in, I learned my lesson.

"I'm not dressed, don't bring Imani in here."

Imani started saying stuff under her breath, Bey keeps playing with her.

"So you want me to come in?" That's what I got from what she said.

"If you want." She keeps pulling me's on me, I don't like that.

I gave Imani my phone and knocked on Beys room door. I just wanted to be extra safe.

"Come in!"

I opened the door and she was in boxers and a sports bra. "I don't know why I thought you were gonna be completely naked."

"And you still came in?"

"It's nothing I haven't seen before."

"You're nasty Onika."

"Can I see your closet?" I feel like it's just different colored sweatsuits lined up throughout her whole closet.


"Why not?" She already showed me forks so her closet can't be that big of a deal.

She ignored me and went into her closet. She started throwing stuff from her closet to her bed then came back out.

Me and her.. thing made eye contact for a second. I know I saw it when I walked in on her that one time but... Jesus.

She covered herself up like Marilyn Monroe in that white dress. "Stop looking at it like that."

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