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a longgg one


Being pregnant is making me so tired. I know I'm using pregnancy as an excuse for everything but I can because I'm pregnant.

I woke up and Bey wasn't in bed so that immediately made me upset.

I got up and checked my bathroom but she wasn't in there. Her shoes were gone too.

I started to walk down the stairs and thankfully I could hear her voice. I followed her voice and she was in the kitchen talking to Amir.

"Good morning." Amir was up early today.

"Good morning. Good morning Bey." I pecked Beys lips. "Where did you go?"

"The gym. I tried to wake you up but you told me to shut the fuck up and get off you."

"Sorry." I pecked her lips and opened the fridge.

Something wasn't right. I don't know what but something was very off.

I tried to just ignore it. "Bey you should take Amir to the gym." I think he would like that.

"If he wants, I don't mind."

I looked back to watch Amir's reaction. He just shrugged. He knows damn well he's jumping for joy inside.

I officially knew something was wrong when I heard a baby cry.

I closed the fridge and Bey was holding a random baby. A random baby?

"Who the fuck- who's baby is that?"


She smiled, "Just for the day." She started walking around with the baby.

"So you just rented a baby?"

"I just found her on the side of the street when I was going to the gym."


"Just kidding. I'm taking her back on my way out tonight. Don't worry about it, I just need to practice."

"That's a living breathing baby Bey." I was going to teach her with candy bars and a doll.

"I know. Onika I'm a teacher, I can handle kids."

"Okay, if you say so."

"Can I go to the mall today? I have to get stuff for prom with my date."

"Who's your date?" I just wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl.

"Her names Ayanna."

Bey chuckled and I looked at her. "That's the girl that was in your office?"

The baby was playing in her hair and yanked it. "Yeah."

"So you're going to prom with a girl who skipped class for a blunt and wings?"

He shrugged, "She's fun. I'm not trying to marry the girl."

"Yeah because you- never mind." I stopped myself from saying something rude.

"Because I'm what?"

"What's her name?" I completely ignored Amir and looked at the baby. It was a cute baby, it couldn't have been more than a year old.

She was brownskin and she had her hair in little rubber bands leading up to two big puffs.

"Giselle. Say hi Giselle baby." She waved and the baby mimicked her and waved too.

I gave her a skeptical look, she knows she's lying.

"I'm serious, that's her name. Can you hold her so I can take a shower?"

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now