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i already asked this but to the people that don't follow me, do you like studio session or coach knowles better and why? just wondering


Against my will, I was going to Beys house for a "Marvel movie marathon." I have no interest in these kid movies at all.

Robyn came over to watch Imani and I was late again. I was already supposed to be wt her house, I don't know what happened.

I heard a knock at my door, it was probably Robyn. "Come in!"

Robyn came in with Imani on her back and Amir was behind them.

"What are you all doing in my room?"

"I brought this for you to wear." Amir handed me one of his bigger hoodies.

"Onika I swear, if you wear this I'm never talking to you again. I found out if Bey likes B-O-O-B-S or A-S-S more after meeting her family." She had to spell it out because Imani was here.

"Gross." Amir looked like he was about to be sick.

"You're going to see BeyBey? Can I come?" Imani's eyes lit up when she heard Beys name.

"Not this time baby, maybe another day."

She started crying so I took that as my cue to leave. I took Amir's hoodie back from Robyn and walked past them downstairs.

"You don't wanna know Onika?" She was talking about the boobs or ass thing. I didn't hear any crying, they're wrong for leaving Imani upstairs.

I stopped in my tracks, I wanted to know but only because Robyn was going to tell me anyways. I didn't care.

"You really stopped?!" I forgot Amir was here, oops.

"I didn't hear what she said, what's wrong?" I was lying through my teeth.

"Just go." Amir sighed, he forgets he's not my dad sometimes.

I waved at them and left the house. I've never been to Beys house, I had no reason to so I'm not sure what to expect.

She was a 25 minute drive from my house in the direction of the school.

When I pulled into her neighborhood I was confused. She lived in a nice neighborhood with houses that were too big for one person.

The houses weren't that big but I expected her to live somewhere like Robyn. Not in an actual house.

I parked in her driveway, I knew it was hers because I recognized her car and got out. I rang the doorbell and she answered right away.

When I saw her in a Spider-Man mask I wasn't even surprised.

"You just had this laying around, huh?" The nerd thing makes more and more sense every time I see her.

"I did. These socks too." She was rocking back and forth on her heels. I looked down and she had matching Spider-Man socks on too.

"What is the purpose of having a spider man mask? Can you even breathe?"

"For moments like this, no, and come in." She moved out of the way and I walked in.

I looked around, it was so clean. Spotless. Like a serial killers house.

"Sorry, I didn't get a chance to clean." She pulled the mask up over her eyes and left it bunched up at the top of her head. There wasn't even a particle of dust in sight.

"Are you married?" That's the only explanation I could think of.

"This is our second date."

"Okay? Are you married?" I find it weird that she's avoiding the question.

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