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As soon as we got to Beys house we both went to sleep. She lives strangely close to her ex but I didn't say anything.

Her dog was in the bed with us. She refused to make it get down and she was cuddling with it instead of me.

I woke up before her and her dog was in the middle of us. Why is someone always cock blocking?

I shook Bey to wake her up. After a full minute of me shaking her she woke up, "Hmm?"

"Wake up."

She stretched her arms and cracked her neck. I cringed at the noise, I don't know how people can do that.

"Why did you wake me up?"

"I woke up and I was bored, I've never been here before." And she doesn't have any food in here, I checked earlier.

"You slept on the plane, I didn't. So I'm tired and going back to sleep. Goodnight." She rolled over and put the blanket over her head.

"Why are you being rude to me? I'm the one that should be mad if anything."

She pulled the blanket down, "And why is that Onika?"

"Why were you making her blush? And why did you hug her and go inside her house?"

"I didn't make her blush. We were talking about how weird it was seeing each other and she covered her face to stop me from looking at her because it was weird. We were laughing."

"What were you doing when you went inside her house?"

"Jesus, the same thing I've said the past fifty times you asked me. We went into her basement so she could show me her new pilates machine and she showed me around her work station because I've never been there. I got the dog food and Ginny after and left."

"She just moved? So she purposely moved right down the street from you?"

"What are you talking about? She's lived in this area for years and I was already out of the state when she bought that house."

"So when you went-"

"I'm not explaining myself to you because I did nothing wrong. Leave me alone." She put the blanket back over her head. The dog woke up from all our talking and got out of the bed, finally.

I snatched the blanket off of her. "Why are you being mean to me? Stop."

"I'm so tired of this, you stop."

"Tired of me?"

"Onika I'm tired of you being so possessive and controlling. How long have you been my girlfriend?"

"A while-"

"A couple of hours. You think I'm your property or something and I'm not. I'm a grown woman, if I want to platonically speak to another woman I'm going to do that. Do you know how many people I talk to every day?"


"One. You and I don't even talk every day. Robyn and I don't talk that often any more and I used to talk to Mel every day, do you know why we don't talk anymore?"


"You, Onika. Do you know how many friends I have in California?"


"Three including you. I'm a naturally social person, I like being around other people so if I want to make friends I'm going to do that. You're certainly not going to text me and call me all day every day. Do you want to know what Nafessa asked me yesterday?"

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