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I woke up feeling someone touching me. I spent the night over at Onika's house again. I'm not going to leave her side while she's pregnant, even if she's not going to keep the baby. 

"Onika what are you doing?" I was tired, I just wanted to sleep. I was beyond exhausted and I needed to catch up on sleep before I have to go back to work.

"Can I suck your dick?"

"Hm?" I doubt the suns even up and she's trying to be nasty.

"I brushed my teeth already. Being pregnant is making me so horny, can I please?"

I think she was just using her pregnancy as an excuse. I was only in boxers and I took them completely off.

I couldn't see anything she was doing because my eyes were still closed. I was about to go back to sleep right after she's done.

I felt her softly kiss my lips. She pulled away before I could even kiss her back.

"Your morning breath is dangerous, you need a mint."

She woke me up and of my sleep now she's complaining about my breath? I don't know what she was expecting.

I put my hand on the top of her head and softly pushed her head down. No offense but she was doing too much talking.

She got the message and went down herself. I didn't want to push her all the way down because I couldn't even see.

I put my hands behind my head while she was getting me hard. It didn't take long because this situation was kind of sexy to me. She woke me up just to give me heed.

Once I was hard enough she started sucking it. I put my lip and out my hand on the side of her face.

I knew I wasn't going to last long. That one time we were doing something at my house, she told me I didn't last long. I almost believed it but I know she's wrong because she finishes before me during sex.

I started thrusting up and she pushed my hips down aggressively. "Stop before I actually throw up."

I stopped immediately, I knew she wasn't joking.

The fake slurping noises she makes actually sound like her real ones. It's just more wet now.

A little while after, I came she swallowed all of it. She let go of my dick and it flopped on my stomach.

"You're going back to sleep?"

"Probably." I was even more tired now, I was about to sleep good.

I heard her start to cry so I opened my arms and she came up and laid on me. "Why are you crying?"

"I don't have any more pickles. I was going to ask you to get me some but you said you're going to sleep. I can-"

"I'll get them. Just give me a second." I was still hard, I'll get them after it goes down.

"Okay." She stopped crying. I don't know why she did that, if she asked me I would've.

After I got myself situated, I put my slides on and left to go to she store. I remembered what type of pickles she got last time so this shouldn't be hard.

I saw the back of a familiar head and apple without speaking. "Monica?" I regretted it instantly, I shouldn't have said anything.

She turned around and smiled, "Hey."

It was really early in the morning, I wasn't expecting to see anyone I knew.

She looked like she was coming from the gym. She had cereal in her basket, it was probably for her kids.

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