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I woke up with Bey right behind me. Waking up next to Bey is something I have to get used to, most of the time she's not there when I wake up or we don't sleep in the same bed.

I moved back to be deeper in her arms and felt the unpleasant surprise of something hard against my butt. Of course.

I moved out of her arms and moved probably a foot in front of her.

She moved forward too and wrapped her arms around me again. "Why are you moving away from me?" She was still mostly asleep, probably asleep enough to not notice she was hard. I don't know how it works.

"Get that off my butt." It was way too early.


"Your penis is on my back."

She mumbled that she was sorry and turned on her other side.

"Who were you dreaming about?"

"Mary J. Blige. Goodnight."

"Excuse me?" She was already back asleep.

I was already wide awake so I got up, I'll see if Imanis awake. I opened the door to the room she was in just enough for me to look at her and she was asleep.

I started to slowly close the door again but I heard her say something. "Mommy?"

I opened the door again, "Did I wake you up?"

"Nuh uh, I was hiding."

"From me?"

"Mhm. I was pranking you!"

"Good job, you pranked me really good. Are you hungry?"

"Can I have cereal?"

I completely forgot Bey has no food here. "How about we go brush our teeth and then we can figure out what we're going to eat?"

"'Kay." She took the blanket completely off her and jumped off the bed.

I opened the door to the bathroom and let her walk in first. I helped her up on the sink so she would be able to do everything for herself.

I watched her to make sure she was doing everything right. Despite the toothbrush being in her mouth, she couldn't stop talking.

She was talking about Titan, Kelly's son. She had fun playing with him and she wants to go back and bring her toys this time.

I wouldn't mind, I like Kelly and Tim. They're like Bey.

After Imani finally finished talking I helped her off the sink. "Can I have cereal now?"

"How about we go wake BeyBey up and ask her to get us some food? There's nothing to eat here, the fridge is basically just for direction."

I don't know how Bey survives off just water and air. She doesn't eat much of anything else.

"Then I want waffles. With whipped cream." She loves making demands like she's not a little ass girl.

"Calm down before you have to eat one of BeyBeys smoothies for breakfast."

"Ew mommy, they taste like grass."

Imani tried one once and spit it out. That was enough for me to never want to try one. It probably is just blended grass.

"Exactly so watch how you talk to people. Let's go wake her up."

We left the room and walked next door. "You can wake her up while I brush my teeth, okay?"

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now