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first bey pov ahh


The opportunity was right there and I didn't take it.

I was so mad at myself. I could've asked her on a date, but I started rambling and getting nervous.

I don't want to ruin our friendship by asking her out but I like her.

She's so strong and beautiful and I just like everything about her. We don't know each other that well but that's the point of going on dates and stuff.

I like spending time with her and I love spending time with Imani. I really love that crazy little girl, she could convince me to buy her cookies every single day and I wouldn't mind.

When I got to work I told Robyn what happened. Not the part about her ex husband because if she wanted Robyn to know about that she would tell her, herself.

Robyn was just happy I almost asked her out, even if I didn't actually do it.

I was going to do it today when she came to eat lunch with me. Robyn hyped me up and I was ready.

During all my morning classes all I could think about was her. I was just nervous.

I've never been this scared to ask someone to go on a date with me but she's just such a grown woman and she kind of reminds me of my mom- that's weird never mind.

I was surprised when I got a phone call from her after my classroom cleared out, these kids scatter like roaches when the bell for lunch rings.

It was probably just Imani. "Hello?"

"Hey I can't come for lunch today, I'm not feeling too good."

"You're sick again? I can bring you some soup or some Tylenol." I just wanted to see her, I needed to ask her today.

"No, I'm not sick like that. I just have a really bad headache but I should be fine."

"Could I still drop by? I have a hat for Imani and I actually wanted to talk to you about something."

"About what?"

"I can tell you if I can come and see you. I won't be longer than a couple minutes."

"Okay fine. See you then."

She hung up and I started to get giddy. Yay. I was finally going to do it.

I went to Robyn's office before I left to talk to her.

"I'm about to go over to her house and ask her. I'm scared." I was so nervous, my hands were shaking and I wasn't even over there yet.

"You got this. I know she likes you, she doesn't do half the stuff she does with you with me and I've known her for years. Just be confident in yourself."

I nodded to myself, "Okay. Be confident and don't ramble." I was talking to myself and not her.

"Hurry and go because I'm not watching your class if you're late again."

When Onika was sick and I went over to see her I ended getting back here almost 30 minutes late. Robyn was watching music videos with my kids.

"Okay bye." I grabbed my lanyard and skipped out the school.

I'm way too big to be skipping so I stopped.

I got in my car and started driving in the direction of her house.

The whole drive to her house I was giving myself a pep talk and reminding myself not to be awkward and not to ramble.

I shouldn't even be this nervous, I got this. I hope.

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