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back from my day long break


It was Monday and since it was also a B day, I could leave after my first class. I usually stay to do some work or grade but Mel wanted to hang out so I would just have to do it later.

I left the school and started driving to Mel's house. I've only been to her house one other time, we usually hand out at Robyn's house.

When I got there Mel was already outside doing something in her plants. I rolled my window down after I parked, "Melanie!"

She turned around and flicked me off. "You must want your ass beat."

"Hey smelly." I got out the car and walked toward her.

"You've been ignoring me." I tried to hug her but she dodged my arms.

"I wasn't responding to anyone, I needed time to myself." Mental health is just as important as physical health.

Nothing was wrong with me, I just wasn't feeling my best and I like being at my best always. I felt better than ever now.

"Well in that case, I guess accept your hug. Come inside first, I have nosy ass neighbors." She mugged the air and took my hand and walked me inside.

"You're really making me work for this huh, huh? Changing locations and everything."

She rolled her eyes and finally gave me a hug. "Beatrice you're so fucking weird."

"What did I do?" I love hugs, I wasn't going to pull away until she did.

"Be a nigga and grab my ass or something."

"I'm respectful and consent is key." I started swaying us side to side kinda like we were slow dancing.

"I'm in heat right now." I know she's like Robyn and I know she has many people she can call to fix her problem.

"You're ovulating?"

She pulled away from me and walked away. "There's no way you just asked me if Im ovulating."

She walked to her couch and I followed her. "Is that not what it means for a woman to be in heat? You can easily get pregnant right now."

"Why do you know that? You're so weird."

"I'm college educated, and there's nothing wrong with knowing about a woman's body just because I don't have all the same stuff." I like reading.

"You definitely do know about the female body so I'll give you that one." She adjusted herself to lay her head in my lap.

"Shut up. Are we gonna sit here and do nothing all day or do you have something planned?"

"We can do something." She sat up and started lowly getting closer to me.

Just before our faces touched she laughed and laid her head back down in my lap.

"You think you're funny like you weren't just asking to have sex with me."

"Oh so you were gonna kiss me?" She was smirking like Robyn.

"Not anymore."

"Aw I hurt your feelings Beatrice? Come give Melly a kiss." She sat up again.

"Okay but we're just friends, okay?"

"I don't wanna be your girlfriend. You couldn't handle me. Well you could when-"

"Okay, I get it. Just one kiss just this once."

I didn't want to be with Mel and she doesn't want to be with me either. She's just "in heat" and I'm lonely.

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now