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Bey didn't call me like she promised. I stayed up extra late waiting for her to text me or call me but she never did.

The next morning, I woke up expecting a missed call or some texts from her but there were none.

While I was getting Imani ready, I kept checking my phone.

Eventually I realized she wasn't going to call. If I wanted to talk I was going to have to show up at her house.

After I put Imani down for her nap, I told Amir to watch her and left.

I got to her house and I didn't see her car out front. I still got out, Kelly could've taken her car to go to Robyn's house again.

I rang the doorbell and instead of Bey answering, Kelly did.

"Hey Onika." Kelly shortly hugged me and let me in. "Beys not here."

"Where is she?"

"I don't know." She's lying.

"You don't know? I thought you were just talking about how she tells you everything?"

"I was asleep when she left. Calm down, she's probably at the gym or something."

"Or something?"

"Onika I'm not Bey."

"Okay, sorry." She's right, I'll just wait until Bey gets here.

"You can sit down on the couch or go up to her room and wait for her, I'm about to leave."

"You're going to see Robyn?"

"No, I'm going go meet up with a friend. I don't have time for Robyn."

"Oh, okay well I'm about to go up to Beys room. I'll see you."

"Alright, see you." She smiled at me and I walked up the stairs.

I'm not sure if Bey would be fine with me in her house like this. She's not here to stop me.

The first thing I did was find an outfit to steal. Then I got comfortable in her bed and put a movie on as background noise while I was in her bed.

I already know what places I'm not allowed. I can't go in her closet and I can go into her forks drawer.

Probably 30 minutes later I heard her come in the up the stairs. I could hear her talking to someone on the phone.

She laughed, "I mean we really could if you want to. You know I don't mind."

She doesn't mind what??

She walked into her room and paused when she saw me in her bed. "I'll call you back in a second, bye."

"Who was that?" I asked when she hung up.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?"

"Where were you?"

"Are we playing a question game?"

"Answer my questions."

"You're demanding answers from me? You popped up at my house and got comfortable in my bed, what- okay Onika."

"Why didn't you call me last night like you said you would?"

"I fell asleep."

"He really punched you?" I can't even believe she let him do that.

"I was exaggerating, he snuck me once. It still made me mad."


"How did you get in here?"

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