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Today was the day we were flying to Houston and our flight was in the middle of the night so Imani and I were both extremely tired.

Bey was supposed to be coming to pick us up and that was the only reason Imani was still up. She was excited to see Bey.

I've never been to Houston before but I wasn't that excited. My life was close to being in complete shambles. I'm trying to ignore everything until it just goes away.

Bey texted me that she was down the street so I took Imani and I's luggage outside and sat down on the porch waiting for her.

Imani was so excited. Bey has gone crazy buying Imani clothes recently, especially when we went to the mall, and Imanis exited to put all these stud outfits on.

I saw Beys car turn the corner and come down the neighborhood. Imani tried to run when she saw Beys car so I had to hold her until Bey got out of her car.

"Hey y'all." Bey pecked my lips and kissed Imanis forehead.

"Hi BeyBey!" Imani raised her hands for Bey to pick her up and she did.

"Are you ready to go to Houston? The ice cream there is so much bigger over there."

"Yes but I'm tired. Why do we have to go at this time?"

"That's what I'm saying," I mumbled and stood up.

"Hello to you too Onika."

I gave her a side hug mostly so I could lean on her body. I was so tired, in more ways than one. These past couple days, the only way I can fall asleep and stay asleep is with Bey.

"You alright?" She squeezed my body a little bit and I nodded. "Okay well I have have a car seat in my car so do you want me to move Imanis car seat from your car to mine?"

I nodded again, I didn't want us to drive my car and I definitely didn't want to leave it at the airport.

She gave Imani to me and I opened my car so she could get the car seat. I don't know why she knows how to move car seats because I barely do but that's suspicious.

She secured the car seat in her car and took Imani from me again. Imani was trying her best to fight her sleep but I knew she would be asleep by the time we got to the airport.

The drive to LAX was a short and silent one. I think we were all tired.

We went to the airport and Bey handled everything with the tickets and I found a corner for us to sit in.

Bey came and put her arm around me, we still haven't said anything. I leaned on her shoulder and I could feel myself starting to fall asleep.

I started fiddling with her fingers on her hand that was draped over my shoulder. It's weird that all I need is her presence to help me fall asleep.

Beys becoming comfort for me. That's why I've been so clingy to her recently, she makes me not think about other things.

"Are you nervous to fly?" Bey broke the silence just as I was about to go to sleep.

"No." I've only flown once when I was leaving New York. It wasn't something I was scared of, I was just going to sleep the entire plane ride, it was only three hours.

"We're staying at my house not a hotel, just so you know."

"You still have your house in Houston?" That just seems like she's ready to leave at any time.

"Yeah, I bought it years ago. My house here is rented."

"So you want me to sleep in the same bed you had you know what with your ex in?"

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