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I just just dropped Imani off when Robyn called me. I don't know why she's calling me because I just saw her when I dropped off Amir but I answered.


"Come get lunch with me and Bey later." My phone was connected to the bluetooth of my car so I could hear her through the car speakers.


"Why nottt?" She whines just like one of my kids.

"I have two kids to take care of, I can't just drop everything to go get lunch with you and your friend."

"You're not some busy businesswoman, you can come eat with us for a couple hours."

"I have to cook, do laundry, go grocery shopping, pick up Imani and Amir, help Imani with her homework, clean this entire house, and find time to read this book for my book club."

"A book club?" Her laugh was booming through my car speaker.

"Yes, a book club. Is it a crime to read for my own enjoyment?" The only time I can find time to read is right before I go to sleep.

"You're such a mom, now you really need to come out with us. When was the last time you went out and did something fun without your kids?"

How old is Amir again?

"Robyn no."

"Just get Amir to watch Imani and help her with her homework. Some of that stuff on your list you can just do tomorrow. It's just a couple hours."

She was right but I still didn't want to go. I'll probably just be a third wheel the entire time.


"Pleaseeeeeeeeee." Her please went on for a couple minutes until I finally said yes.

"We'll gonna get there around 5:00. Wear something sexy."

"Something sexy?"

"I forgot you're... you. At least wear a good bra."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean. I haven't found out if Bey is an ass girl or a boobs girl but you have both so you should be good."

"What?" I got lost somewhere in this conversation.

"No actually when you guys first met I caught her looking down your shirt. Wear something low cut."

"Excuse me?"

"Actually, don't wear a bra at all."

"Bye Robyn, see you later." I hung up, I don't even know how we're friends.

Robyn texted me the address to the restaurant so I did what I could before I had to pick up Imani, Amir told me one of his friends would drop him off after practice so that's one thing on my list I didn't need to do.

I put jeans on for the first times in months. I put on a turtleneck to go directly against what Robyn told me, I'm not putting my body on display for her friend.

I waited until Amir came home to give him directions on dinner and made sure him and Imani were fine.

By the time I got to the restaurant it was already 5:30. I hate my kids being late but with me it's a different story, I can't help it.

It was a Mexican restaurant, Robyn probably just wanted a margarita.

I walked inside and there weren't that many people in there, it's 5:30 on a school night so it's pretty much expected.

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