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I woke up to Onika kissing all over my face and neck. It was the weekend so we stayed up later than usual, I don't know why she's walking me up. "Hm?"

"Take your boxers off." She whispered in my ear, it was way too early.

"What time is it?"

"4:27. Hurry before they wake up."

I moved up and took my boxers off. This is a normal thing now that she's pregnant. She'll wake me up to tell me to take my boxers off or give her head.

She uses me like a sex toy sometimes now that's she's pregnant. I can't mind, I get something out of it too.

I still had my eyes closed, I never open my eyes right when I wake up.

I felt her moving around under the covers then I felt a hand around my dick. She got me hard then she sat on it.

Two orgasms from her later, we took a shower together.

She got into bed naked but I started to get dress. I guess she noticed. "Where are you going?"

"The gym."

"No, stay and cuddle with me." She pulled her blanket down and open her arms, she was really just trying to show me her boobs.

"I won't be gone for too long, I'll be back before you even fall asleep." I'm lying but I just don't want her to cry.

"Take Amir with you, he won't ask but he wants to go."

I never ended up telling on Amir. If she's stressed out, Blaze is stressed out so I want to avoid anything that could stress her out.

"Can you ask him for me?"

"How old are you again? Just knock on the door and ask him if he wants to go to the gym with you."

"Yeah, but I don't-"

"Fine. I'll just call him, I'm not getting up."

She got her phone off the nightstand and started calling him. "Good morning, are you awake?"

Obviously if he just answered the phone.

I finished getting dressed while she talked to him
on the phone. I put a hoodie on over my shirt since it's extra cold in the morning.

"He said he needs 20 minutes."

"I'm leaving after 20 minutes. Do I have any pre-workout here?"

"If that's the same thing as protein powder, yes. If it's not, go check downstairs."

I went downstairs and we did have pre-workout. I added a scoop into my smoothie and waited for Amir.

He came downstairs in exactly 19 minutes. I remember when Onika used to time him, it worked.

We didn't talk much getting out of the house, it was so early that I didn't mind.

"Can I play music?"


"Why not?"

"It's too early to listen to propel talk about guns and drugs. Listen to a song in your head or put your Airpods in."

"You're lame."

"You're even lamer, loser."

Amir's the only one I can actually joke with. Onika and Imani would both cry if I breathed the wrong way.

I don't mind the stuff he says, he just sees me as one of his friends now that he's comfortable.

"No I'm not."

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