Rhys Wells

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"Any time, my boy! If you need more help, I shall be here!" - Rhys Wells

Biographical information

Full Name: Rhys Wright-Wells

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Alive

Age: 70 (season 4)

Birth: 1820

Race: Human

Nationality: Welsh

Origin: Cardiff, Wales


* Concordia, USA

* Cardiff, Wales (formerly)


* Doctor

* Coroner


* Amelia Wright (wife)

* Richard Wells (son)

* Arthur Wright (stepson)

* Unnamed wife (deceased)

Affiliation(s): Concordia Flying Squad


Height: 6'0"

Age: 70 (season 4)

Weight: 178lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: O+

Rhys is a tall gentleman that bears a strong resemblance to his son Dick with nearly identical facial structure and build, but Rhys has more facial hair and is entirely silver-haired. He wears a white lab coat, a dark green dress shirt, brown slacks, black shoes and a black bow tie. Lastly, a pair of brown-framed glasses sit over his brown eyes.


The father of Richard "Dick" Wells, stepfather of Arthur Wright and husband of Amelia Wright-Wells, Rhys is a physician hailing from Wales. His first wife, Dick's mother, died when the boy was barely more than a toddler. Following her death, Rhys and Dick moved to Concordia for a new, better life. Here, Rhys established a medical practice and began serving the community.

A few years after moving to Concordia, Rhys met Amelia Wright at a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream by the local theatre. He's not ashamed to admit it felt like love at first sight, but he was still nervous to pursue a new relationship even though his first wife had been deceased for years. He was worried Dick would think he was trying to replace his mother, so they took things slow, starting as friends until they were ready to take the next step. And when their relationship had gotten serious enough to introduce each others' children, Rhys was glad the first meeting had gone well. His son was ecstatic at the idea of finally having a little brother, and Arthur seemed interested in having an older brother, too.

Eventually, Rhys and Amelia married, uniting their two families into one. Life was great for the Wright-Wells family. Of course, they had their issues, but their love stayed strong through it all. As his sons grew up, Rhys encouraged them to pursue their dreams which led to Arthur joining the police academy and Dick entering medical school. He was proud of the paths both of his sons had chosen and was even prouder when they announced they would be founding members of Concordia's new Flying Squad.

During the current timeline of the series, Rhys made his first appearance when he stepped in as temporary coroner after Dick became a suspect in Heartbroken. While his primary profession is family medicine, Rhys holds a pathology degree and is a certified coroner. He has always told his sons that he would be there if they needed his help. So, he assisted the Flying Squad with the case and was happy to hear that Dr. Hart's killer had been caught even if who it was and the reason for the murder were heartbreaking...

After the case was solved, he, Amelia, the Flying Squad, and their families attended Kilian Bontemps's equestrian performance. He also met Jason's mother, the first and only recipient of Hestia's Heart. Seeing how the invention had replaced the woman's heart was fascinating, and Melaina welcomed him to read her files to learn more about the medical marvel. Rhys also promised to keep Dick from overwhelming her as his son was even more excited about the invention than his father was.

More to be revealed in Murders of The Past


Concordian Flying Squad

Rank: Coroner

Story Information

First appeared: Heartbroken


* He is based on an IRL doctor I work with

* Amelia was hesitant to take her husband's surname when they married due to past trauma involving changing her surname. So, Rhys offered to hyphenate his name with her if she chose to take the Wells name. Their sons didn't hyphenate their names like the couple did, and to this day, most people still refer to Amelia as a Wright, while people call Rhys a Wells

* He still operates a medical practice, though he only does family medicine now. But he does also practice other fields like obstetrics and gynecology

* Rhys and Dick did and still do experiments together. Rhys isn't as crazy as Dick is with his experiments, but he still supports his son's endeavours and is always there to patch Dick up after an experiment backfires. And while he'll always worry about his son's safety, Rhys knows Dick would never intentionally put himself in danger in the name of science... Most of the time!

* He is good friends with Leopold Rochester. This is also the friend he was referring to in Heartbroken when he says he knows one of the World Exhibition sponsors

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