a woman's warmth

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i long for woman's warmth
like a newly hatched chick
i am in the verge of hunger of your feminine voice that blessed my ears and cleansed my soul
it's like i drunk straight a lovesick potion
and ended up chasing you with a heart-shaped eyes

i long for woman's warmth
your chest that feels like a cloud when i lay down
your hair that tickles my skin and sends a tingling sensation of contentment and happiness
i long for your hand
the smoothness of your palm
that calms my trembling body
and made me rest

i long for woman's warmth
and it feels like an addiction to me
i long for woman's warmth
the gentleness of touch
the voice of a lullaby
that sent me asleep

i long for woman's love
your smile that made me feel safe
i was longing for your warmth

Mga Tula Ni JuanaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon