Chapter 1

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After the summer holidays, Jisung came back to his school. Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Another year at this school is finally starting and all the students were excited.

He's a muggle-born so he spended his holidays at London with his parents. He had a great time I would say. But thinking about it, he actually hasn't seen his friends in months which was making him even more excited now that he would be able to finally reunite with them.

He was currently sitting in one of the cabins of the famous hogwarts express, seeing the view out of the window felt nostalgic to him every year for some unknown reason.

Soon his thoughts got interrupted by a soft beating at the door of his cabine. He saw Felix standing there and as usual. His boyfriend Changbin was being right next to him holding Felix's hand with his right hand and his luggage to his left.

His attention soon got distracted by the boy who was standing next to Changbin. He had brown hair and he was really handsome, his nose was really sharp and he had such big eyes in the color of dark chocolate, must be a friend of Changbin he supposed. The door got opened and Felix rushed into Jisung hugging him and caressing his hair softly. Changbin and his friend continued their way leaving them alone.

Soon Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jeongin joined them as well. Four of them had been friends since forever and Hyunjin had just joined them, him and Seungmin must have gotten mysteriously close during the holidays.

The hours passed really fast, they all got absorbed by the conversation and didn't realize that they had already arrived Hogwarts.

Entering Hogwarts felt amazing, such beautiful memories and they couldn't wait to make even more. Hogwarts now felt more home like and safe that his actual one back in faraway London.

Soon all students gatherer at the Great Hall where the Welcoming Ceremony was starting like every first day of every school year. The new students were getting sorted into houses, something that surprisingly didn't took that as much time as last year and not long after they were all eating at their house's table. He sat next to Seungmin as he was the only friend he currently had who was in the same house as him.

After the first ended they all assembled to their common room following their prefect, who Jisung couldn’t clearly take a peak. His house was Ravenclaw so professor Fitwick was the one who announced in which room each student is gonna go, their class schedule and who their prefect was going to be. Apparently it was a girl named Lia. She looked really cute, her features were soft and kind and so was her voice. Melodic and sweet.

He also learned that this year he would be sharing a dorm with Seungmin like all the years before, Mingi and Namjoon. Mingi was their age and Namjoon was a year older. A senior.

After they got to their rooms and tidied up, they all chatted a little bit to get to know each other before going to bed, since like it or not they had to share a room and sleep in the same place for a whole year. So in their minds it would have been easier if they were getting along well from the start. But they soon decided to close the lights and the boys slept in no time.

The morning came and the students were getting ready to go to their classes. They got up, brushed their teeth and wore their uniforms quickly because they were worried they might get late on their first day and get scolded by Professor Snape who was known for being grumpy and rude. They all gathered at the Great Hall where Jisung and his friends ate their breakfast and eventually went to their first class.

Jisungs first class for the day was potions and Hyunjin and Felix had to attend class too so the three of them walked together to the dungeons.

The classes seemed to last terribly long. Jisung wasn't intending getting bored from the first day so he was trying his best to keep himself busy somehow, the only way he had thought was taking notes that he didn't even knew if he'll ever use. In general his mind was flying in the clouds.

But finally after a period of time, the class had officially ended and all students went into separate ways. Some of them were heading to the Great Hall to study, some of them wanted to go to their dorms to chill and some of them were about to depart to the castles grounds either to play gobblestones or just chat with their friends enjoying the fall sun.
He decided to walk around the castle since he got nothing better to do and all of his friends were all at their common rooms doing whatever.

The castle was huge. He had been unused to it by living to his small two bedroom house for the past months. It took an amount of time to go from the Dungeons to the castle grounds where he had decided earlier that he would kill his time by doing his homework or just read his book.

When he reached the castle grounds he frowned on how crowded it was. There were so many first years just sitting there talking to each and since they were basically kids they also were extremely noisy.

Jisung liked his peace and quiet so he went to sit away from them, next to a boy that seemed like he was sleeping. He seemed a little taller that him and he had coffee brown hair. He had a book resting to his face to block the sunlight so Jisung couldn't recognize who the boy was, but either way he doubted they knew each other. Without thinking much of it Jisung just sat there beside him and started reading his book.

He was too focused on his book that didn't realized that the boy who was sitting next to him was now wide awake and literally sitting next to him looking at Jisungs book with an odd expression. Until he spoke up...

"You know, I didn't expected you to read such boring books..."

The unexpected action scared Jisung so he screamed his lungs out, and the worst of all, was that the first years were currently looking at him weirdly, that made the older boy laugh a the scene playing. He was quite embarrassed but he was distracted of the thought that the boy's face while he was laughing.

In thought of that, something was bothering him this whole time. Like a deja vu from the recent past. The boy looked familiar in a way, like he had seen him before somewhere but he couldn't remember exactly where. Until he finally realized.

"You are the guy who was with Changbin hyung!"

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