Chapter 8

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The next morning Jisung woke up on someone yelling, not the best way to wake up he thought.
"JISUUUUUUNG, why is this boy so hard to wake up I swear-"
Jisung groaned against his pillow knowing it's Saturday so he could sleep as much as he wanted.

Only if he didn't had an annoying roommate waking him up for God knows what. At weekends most students were leaving the school to visit their families or spend the whole day at the Hogsmeade just walking around eating at Sugarplums Sweetshop and killing their time on Zonko's Joke Shop. 

But Jisung can't go visit his parents in London, the trip is too far away and he was way too tired from the week full of classes that now the only thing he wants was stay to his bed.

"JISUNGIIEEEEE" Seungmin yelled again, this time louder

Jisung opened his eyes but he immediately closed them blinded from the amount of light the room had. Mingi and Namjoon were nowhere to be seen. Well he can't say he was surprised.

"I hope it's important enough to disturb me from my precious sleep!" Jisung spoke back whining

"Dumbledore wanted all the students to gather to the Great Hall, DRESS UP QUICKLY CAUSE THEY'RE GONNA KILL US FOR BEING LATE"




"Not mentally..."

Jisung rolled his eyes cracking a smile. He quickly got up to dress up.

They literally run down the stairs, something forbidden but little did they cared, to the Great Hall. The door was closed, nice now everyone is going to stare at them entering the room, they groaned pushing the big wooden door open knowing what they're gonna face.

The second they opened the door everyone stopped talking forming an extremely akward silence, after the moment passed the students started whispering to each other until Dumbledore stepped in, demanding everyone to stay silent, obviously glancing at the young Ravenclaws that were currently heading quietly to their table.

"Dude, you are late!" Mingi said as soon as Jisung sat on the table next to him.

"Yeah..." Not that Jisung didn't know or wanted someone to point it out, still feeling the glances of everyone burning his back. He could even feel Professor Snape giving him a death glance.

"As I was saying..." Professor Dumbledore spoke and everyone turned to look at him

"I gathered all of you here to announce you a really happy news. The next month, our school has the honor to host a dancing ball that all students from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute can attend."

All students started whispering to each other out of excitement.
"I've heard that the girls of Beauxbatons are so pretty that leave you speechless." Mingi said while smirking at Jisung. But the younger didn't seemed too moved from this. Instead he smiled awkwardly at Mingi and started looking for his friends at their tables to check their reactions.

Felix and Hyunjin seemed to be really excited as they couldn't stop chatting and smiling to each other. Same with Chan and Jeongin, talking to their housemates. The next ones he tried to spot in the crowd were the Slytherins,

'Oh there's Changbin!' He thought

He turned his head in order to focus on his table again but he unexpectedly met Minho's stare, slightly smiling. Some seconds passed like that, Jisung could feel his cheecks getting hotter any second passing. As he realized the effect the eye locking had pn him, he shook his head turning around to face Seungmin who was sitting next to him and seemed to be talking about something. But currently, he was blushing so bad that couldn't focus on what Seungmin was saying.

"Hey Jisungie, are you feeling okay? You face looks red as heck!" Seungmin said to him in a kind of worried tone

"I'm okay, don't worry" He replied stealing another glance of Minho who was now talking with Changbin

"Oh I see...Minho hyung" Seungmin talked again smirking.

"WHAT? What do you mean by that? Why are you mentioning Minho hyung all of a sudden?" Jisung said almost yelling and  panicking.

"The sorting hat must have missed when it said you're clever and sorted you in Ravenclaw."


"Don't pretend you're dumb Jisungie, at least not to me..." Seungmin stated before getting interrupted by Professor Dumbledore's speech.

"You may now go, enjoy your weekend kids"

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