Chapter 41

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"I'm Lee last year Slytherin...OH PARDON ME. I don't know if you know all of those stuff!"

"A Slytherin huh...Yes Minho I know those stuff, you don't need to worry..." Mrs. Han explained "When Jisung was accepted to Hogwarts, someone came to explain to us that our child is a wizard and will be accepted into a school for wizards. Kind of shocking at first if you ask me, but deep inside I knew it always that my Jisungie was special"

Minho grinned and looked at Jisung "He really is special."

Jisung looked back at the older, his bright smile was lightning up his little world, he felt loved and safe. It's crazy how much a simple eye contact can hide. Love...

"Um mum, where's dad? Is he coming back from work soon?" The young Ravenclaw asked

"No...he's actually at a business trip and he'll be back tomorrow evening. I'm so sorry Jisungie."


The boy surely wanted to see his father as well. That's an opportunity they don't get every day, being outside of Hogwarts on a school period? And with Dumbledore's consent.

"It's okay Sungiee." The woman reassured him "There's always next time. So now spill the tea Minho... how did you met my son?"

"Ugh..." Minho made a pause thinking of what to answer so it won't sound too rude or unsuitable for the occasion, he wanted to make a good impression, he was Jisung's boyfriend after all "I knew him since ever but we had never actually talked face to face, he's Felix's best friend, and Felix's boyfriend Changbin is my friend and roommate. Jisung..
um... I always thought he looked interesting to get to know, and with the first chance I made a move to meet him."

"You knew about me since ever?!" He looked at the older with a surprised look on his face "Why didn't you spoke to me earlier you dumbie?!" They boys would have become a thing a lot earlier if he had done so 'Ugh this hyung'

"So you weren't even aware of my existence until I approached you? Wow."

No he wasn't, which was quite impressive considering the fact he's Felix's friend, and if Felix knows EVERYONE KNOWS. "I guess I didn't payed too much attention the hundredth and fifty sixth time he was talking about Changbin, or he forgot to mention you..." He played with his fingers

"This hurted Han Jisung, this hurted..." Minho acted like he was offended by the youngers words only to get a 'sorryy babyy' and a really affectionate Jisung in return who couldn't stop hugging him, which if we want to be honest didn't bothered him at all.

The hours had passed just like this, the two boys were drinking their coffee while chatting with Jisung's mum who was thankfully open minded and her opinions in some specific topics were correct, respectful and they had a well-meaning. When the couple decided to tell her the truth and reveal their relationship she was more than supportive. Well...they actually didn't do much in order to hide it and Mrs. Han knew her son a little bit too well. She couldn't ignore the sparkle in her sons eyes, his blushing and the way their bodies seemed to be somehow connected to each other and were seeking physical contact without the boys even realizing that. Soulmate bond...

Suddenly as they were peacefully talking a white owl got inside the house from the open window. Mrs. Han started panicking and rushed into the kicken to kind her broom in order to scare the bird away. But it wasn't just an ordinary owl who managed to get inside the house by mistake. The owl was send from someone at Hogwarts. Specifically it flew next to Minho and placed a letter on the boy's lap. Jisung realizing what's happening went to find his mum to explain everything and calm her down a bit.

When Jisung came back from the kitchen he saw Minho pale, he had completely spaced out and as it seemed like, the older had let his thoughts surround him. Worryingly he run over to the older, wondering even more what was letter saying and why Minho got so influenced from it.

"Baby! Hello, earth to Minho!" Jisung shook the order softly on the shoulder but the boy didn't answered at all, he just stayed still.

"S-sung" Minho suddenly broke down in Jisung's lap leaving the younger more confused than he already was. He was crying, sobs filled the whole room as Jisung was trying to calm him down. He gently caressed his back in circled movements and hugged him close. He had never seen the older crying and he hoped this will be the last time he ever does. With every sob Minho was making his heart was breaking. It hurted to see him in that state so much he couldn't describe.

"Baby...please tell me what happened.." The young Ravenclaw said softly as he heard Minho's sobs stopping

"They're c-coming..."

"Who are coming? Felix and the others? In here? To do what? And why are you like this? It's gonna be fuuunnn" Jisung grinned

Minho raised his head to face Jisung, his face was wet from tears and reddish. "No my love..."

"Death eaters and who-know-who! They're coming!"

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