Chapter 22

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In was mid-day. The classes had ended for the day and the students were wandering around the castle. Beauxbatons and Durmstrangs students were getting closer with the people at Hogwarts and they seemed to enjoy their accommodation there really much. The mood at the school was celebrating and kind of romantic we would say. Considering the Ball was soon students had started asking their dates out.

Jisung and Felix were hanging out at the Great Hall. It was lunch time so it was pretty crowded. Occasionally you could see some ghosts just flying around or teasing the students. But albeit most of them were eating their food casually and chatting at the same time unbothered from any creature. The rest of the boys hadn't joined them, they assumed they were busy. They knew Hyunjin was practicing with the Quidditch team, Seungmin was at the library as his exams were coming soon and Changbin was at the Duelling Club at the moment, but they had no clue about Chan, Jeongin or Minho.

"Soo who is gonna be your date for the Ball?" Jisung asked Felix who was eating a piece of toast.

"You..." Felix replied casually

"HUH?! WHAT?!" Jisung threw himself out of his seat making Felix choke on his food and start laughing out loud. The other students were currently looking at them but he couldn't hold it back. Felix calmed down after a minute and now he was just chuckling a little bit repeating the scene on his head.

"Bwhahxhx sorrysorry Sung. I wanna believe Changbin will be. He hasn't asked me officially though..." Felix continued eating and then stopped to talk again "What about you? Hasn't Minho asked you out yet?"

Now it was Jisungs turn to choke on the food. Felix patted his back. "No why would he? I don't know what I would do even if he did!"

Jisung wasn't being honest to his best friend, but he was too easy to read. Felix just let it go without commenting on his flustered giggles. The order knew he would never reject the Slytherin boy if he was asking him out. Like never! He actually kind of waiting for him to do so. Or to say it better, he was hoping he would do so.

"HELLO!" A voice scared Jisung who was lost in his thoughts that he threw himself out of his seat once again. Felix bursted into laugher looking at his friends reaction.

"I SWEAR TO GOD MIN-" Jisung turned around...and sadly for him he didn't saw the person he was expecting in front of him, his expression dropped immediately.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jeongin questioned, the look at Jisungs face wasn't what he expected. Ryujin was following after him.

"He wanted you to be Minho." Felix explained, Jisung didn't denied it. He knew deep inside he couldn't fool the younger, Felix could read him like an open book, and he was always right. Felix reached to hold Jisungs hand " honest with me...are you falling for him?"

"Hello guysss" Chan greeted them with Hannah on his side. Interrupting them

"WHYYYY HYUNG?! SHHHH, ITS AN IMPORTANT TIME!!!" Jeongin shouted at him "Sorry Sung continue on" They sat beside him waiting to listen what the Ravenclaw boy was about to say.

"I don't know..." Jisung replied. He was in fact being honest, his heart was confused "I don't know if I'm developing a crush on him...yes my heart cant stop beating when we are together, and my cheeks are heating up but...other than that...I don't know. I guess I don't see him as an ordinary friend..."

"YOU GUESS?" Jeongin shouted once again "sorrysorry". Now the other students were surely looking at them.

"Ughh what am I going to do with you and Minho... Hyunjin and are such a problem. I don't know who I should work on first!" Felix sighed rethinking about his scedule as cupid

"On Hyunjin and Seungmin! Let's do something for Hyunjin and Seungmin!" Chan was being excited

"HEY!" Jisung slightly punched Chans arm

It wasn't a bad idea the Hufflepuff boy thought "We could set them up on something...I think I might have an idea" Felix said

"ARE YOU CUPID OR WHAT?!" Jeongin shouted loudly for the third time, gaining everyone's attention who were trying to eat. Ryujin giggled teasing the boy.

"What do you feed this kid?!" Rosè asked sarcastically

"Okayy gays listen to me!"


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