Chapter 43

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The group was silent, you could only hear some soft sobs from Jeongin who was already dosing off on Chan's chest. The minutes were passing slowly on this cold and lonely tower, looking at the snow outside of the huge window. Not acknowledging completely how serious the situation was, or maybe they didn't want to realize what they were about to face.

Suddently something interrupted them from their thoughts, making Jeongin wade awake and directing all the boy's and girl's attention on him. A white owl, looked like Mina's white owl, the one they used for sending their note to Minho and Jisung. The owl discovered the room a little bit, flying around, from one corner to another till she finally stopped and landed next to Mina.

"Tawny hii!" The Beauxbaton said in a high pitched voice and pet the owl gently on her head

"Sorry to interrupt but why is your owl holding a ravenclaw scarf again? Did she decided to join us? ARE THE OWLS REBELLING FROM THEIR OWN NATURE AND HARD REALITY?!" Seungmin joked

Jeongin rolled his eyes "Funny Hyung, very funny"

"Thank you little one" he grinned

The younger boy of all got closer to the owl to take a better look "Is this Sung's?" He asked

"Maybe..." Hyunjin responded

"Bro it literally has a 'HJS' sewed on the back of it" Changbin pointed out

Seungmin got closer as well to look at what they were talking about "Kim Namjoon did this for him. I have a 'KSM' on mine."

" has snow all over it..."

Felix started getting worried "Did he came here at Hogwarts? What if something happened at him? He didn't answered to my note, there's no way he wouldn't answer under normal circumstances. FUCK SOMETHING HAPPENED TO HIM!"

"Lixie calm down" His boyfriend held his hand and smiled cutely at the younger boy

Chan got up, the attention was now directed on him "Some of us will go take them. Minho is not safe outside Hogwarts considering that the people who want him are out there as well. He'll be better in here."

"I agree..." Changbin stated

"So Changbin and Hyunjin. Are you okay with coming?" The older boy asked and they agreed.

"I'll come with you as well. For Jisung." Felix said

Changbin was unsure whether it was safe enough for his boyfriend to join them. But Felix was a talented wizard, strong and his legilimency could help him get through difficult situations. He had faith in the younger after all.

Seungmin stand up "Me too!"

Hyunjin sighed "You won't."

"Excuse me Hwang?"

The Hufflepuff got closer to the younger boy, placed each of his hands on Seungmins cheeks, brushing them slowly with his fingers, every second passing the boys cheeks were growing hotter "Baby..." Hyunjin locked eyes with the Ravenclaw who's heart had surely skipped a beat "I can't risk something happening to you, I don't know if I'll be able to handle it. So please Seungmin..."

Seungmin raised his hand and placed it on his boyfriends holding him as well "I won't..." He made a pause "But the same goes for you Jin."

"Seung-" He sighed for once again

"NO" Seungmin interrupted him "You can't just be the only one who acts protectively and stuff. You think I'll be fine with the fact you're risking getting caught or killed for standing up for Minho? NO. I FUCKIN CAN'T. I CAN'T BE WITHOUT YOU WHAT'S SO DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND HUH?! I FUCKIN LOVE YOU, YOU IDIO-"

The Ravenclaw boy got interrupted by a pair of lips collided to his. Sweetly moving against his. The younger held the olders waist kissing back passionately. "This is the first time you said you love me" Hyunjin broke the kiss, catching his breath

"I didn't thought I had to say for you to understand it. I love you Hwang Hyunjin, or else, the most beautiful dumbass I've ever met."

"I love you way more than you could ever imagine Kim Seungmin!" He smiled dreamily to his boy


It's a small chapter but let's appreciate how cute those two are pls

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