Chapter 16

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"Yes hyung" Jisung promised to the older who gave him a faint smile

"It's dangerous for you to know the whole story so I'll tell you just a few things. In my family we are 4 siblings... The youngest is Sunghoon, he lives with our grandparents in Korea and chose not to have anything to do with magic, Hogwarts or our family in general. Then is me and Mina. She is the one who got mentioned earlier at the dinner table, she's friends with Rosè and studies at Beauxbatons Academy, I haven't seen her in 2 years. The oldest is Kento, my dad's right hand to be exact. He is the one behind my father's dirty acts..." Minho explained

"You don't have a good relationship with your family right?" Jisung asked Minho

"Not exactly... Days ago they wanted to see me so I went home in the afternoon, to be honest everytime they call me there the things get ugly so I kind of knew what was going to happen. And the thing family made a bad decision..." Minho put a pause to take a breath
"They...decided to join the death mum...Kento...I knew that they were doing some dirty act with them since forever but this...they never were with them...they just- Just were working sometimes together... It hurts to see my family going through this road. I immediately knew what they wanted me for when they told me this. They want me to join them after my graduation...they want me with them, to join them"

Jisung was speechless, he didn't knew what to say. He knew that Minho would never stand with them, stand with something that dark. "You are not-"

"No squirrel there's no way I'm joining them. I couldn't do this, it's too much to handle and I don't want this. I can try to distance myself from them but I don't know on the other hand... They can always find me. I'm scared about my siblings more though. Mina and Sunghoon, I don't want my parents to get near them as they know nothing, they are not in touch with them...neither with me. I don't want them to even think about this whole situation." Minho sighed closing his eyes

This was too fucked up. Too much to handle, no wonder why he seemed weird those days. Jisung couldn't imagine himself being at Minhos place. He was silent for a minute processing what he just heard.
"You won't get through this alone..."

"Hm?" Minho said suddenly opening his eyes to face the younger

"I promise I won't leave you...neither will the others. You won't get through this alone. As long as we are both living in this earth I won't leave you face all of those alone!" The blonde gave the brunette a reassuring smile.

His touching words made Minho crack a smile too. They were now laying on the grass, facing each other and smiling. The silence wasn't akward at all, it was comfortable and warm, you could sense the chemistry in the air.

"I think we should go's pretty cold in here." Jisung stated

"I feel hot though not cold..." Minho closed his eyes again enjoying the winter breeze. Jisung on the other hand was on the edge of becoming an iceberg. He stayed a little bit beside the older who continued laying there. Something was wrong tho. He could see a faint red blush on the olders cheeks even if the night was dark and the only light they had was the moon. 'Ugh this hyung' he thought to himself.

A hand found Minhos forehead feeling his temperature. The hand after that, moved to his cheeks. Jisung knew something was wrong...the older was literally burning up, no wonder he felt hot in this cold weather and had no appetite for dinner earlier. He frowned before speaking.
"Minho-hyung we have to get you inside RIGHT NOW. I can't- Being in the cold with a raging fever wasn't going to do you any good and you still came out here? HOW COULD YOU NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT FEELING BAD TO ANYONE?" Jisung punched Minhos arm this time a little harder

"Yaa, you're overreacting again. I'm finee" Minho answered with a pout

"You're not convincing anyone mister. Let's go inside, get up!" Jisung tried to lift the older up but he insisted staying there, still pouting.
"If you don't get up now I won't speak to you for a week! Now stop being a baby and let's go Minnn!" Jisung tried again but this time Minho got up

"You called me Min... I like it" Minho smirked

"I'm happy you're happy. Now let's go!" Jisung dragged him inside the house

"You're meannn" Minho grumbled

Jisung holding the olders hand guided him to Chans room, as Minho was being a baby. It was like he was babysitting a toddler. He helped Minho lay down and covered him with a blanket but the older was still shivering even if he was saying he was warm so Jisung gave him his own blanket too. Everything was settled now and Minho seemed to be fast asleep. Jisung admired the older for a moment and made a move to go to his bed but as soon as he made a move to stand up, he felt wrist being grabbed by someone.

"Stay with me please..." Minho whispered

Jisung had his doubts but without thinking of it a second time he made himself comfortable next to Minho. He didn't had much space since Hyunjin was sleeping in the same bedding too so he was too close to the older in order not to fall. Minho's hand was still holding Jisung wrist not wanting to let go anytime soon.

"Can we cuddle? You're going to fall if you stay like this..." Minho suggested and Jisung nodded and hummed quietly in response...

The younger placed himself closer to the brunette and let Minho put his hands around his waist. Jisung did the same, his face burying into the Slytherin's chest, he could even feel his heartbeat. It was cozy and comfortable it calmed both down, and soon they fell asleep into the others embrace.

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