Chapter 37

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"Hello Sung" Chan and Jeongin said while sitting down on the table at the Great Hall next to Jisung who seemed busy reading a book. But to be honest, he actually couldn't concentrate at all, he was constantly thinking about the night he spend yesterday with his so-called new boyfriend instead of studying his homework.

"OH hey!" Jisung said putting his hand infront of his mouth, covering it while yawning.

"You look pretty tired didn't you slept well last night?" Chan dad instincts kicked in. He pointed the obvious out brushing the youngers hair off his forehead leading him to his shoulder to rest.

"Well, I actually went to bed around 5am" Jisung closed his eyes because suddenly his eyelids felt too heavy to keep them open. But luck wasn't in his side since a voice woke the boy up at once.

"Hellooo!" Hyunjins energetic ass shouted

"Could you be quieter please? He was just falling asleep..." Chan said to the younger boy and his boyfriend that had already punch him in the arm.

Not long after Changbin and Minho joined them as well. Jisung was now wide awake spacing out while the other boys were chatting around.

"Where is Felix by the way? He's usually one of the first ones to come here." Jeongin questioned

Changbin stopped eating for a bit to answer the younger " His roommates told me that is dad picked him up for something but they weren't sure what. But I think I know..." He sighed a bit before continuing "I think today it's his mother's death anniversary and I suppose they want to spend the day's weird tho. His father hadn't spoken to him for almost two years. I'm trying not to worry but I actually am...I don't trust this guy"

They didn't knew what to say. Felix's past was surely tough, just like Minho's but they knew Changbin was already doing the best he could.

The weird thing is that his attention wasn't at Minho, the older couldn't say the same though...

"Hey squirrel"

"OH- H-HEY MINHO" 'Fuck when did he came here?!'

"Are you feeling better since yesterday? Do we need to report it?" Minho said to Jisung who without second thought got stressed out. He didn't wanted to let his friends know about the incident that happened the day before. They already knew about when those Slytherins cursed at him and they had almost quarantined him. The least thing he wanted to do right now was to make them worried for one more time. Although the fact that they cared enough to worry about his well-being was heartwarming.

"Report what? What's he talking about Sungie? Did something happened yesterday?" Jisung got bombed up with questions from mainly Jeongin

The Ravenclaw boy gave Minho a death stare before answering the questions. "Don't worry I just fell to the ground while going to Minho and scratched my leg a little bit, it's nothing worrisome Innie..."

"You're lying Sungie..." someone called out from behind. They all turned their heads to face...


Seeing that they heard a 'Oh no..." coming from Changbin as they were all observing how could he arrive so soon from his father's house...

"You met a dementor...don't lie sungie please..." Felix looked like he was ready to cry in any moment

Jisung frozen...'How could he possibly...' "Felix I-"

"HAN JISUNG LISTEN TO ME! Can you please be more careful?! Anything would have happened if Minho had been there soon enough! You would have lost your soul and wouldn't even remember us, any of us, all of our memories...would have been lost... FOREVER. YOU COULD HAVE LOST YOURSELF! So please don't be one of the people who lie to me and let us be worried!"

The group of friends stayed silent. They were trying to perceive what they just heard. The words dementor and losing were scary enough to make them go tongue-tied in no seconds. Too many thoughts going through their heads and scenarios for the worst possible outcome of the incident. Felix eyes were getting teary as he couldn't hold himself back anymore. He collapsed into Jisungs hug letting some tears fall...

"Felix...I'm sorry...I promise it won't happen again..." Jisung hugged the boy tighter.

During this breakdown Hyunjin got extremely emotional as well thinking about so many bad things at the time, hardly trying to hold his tears back and not make a scene, basically pushing his feeling aside. But even if he was doing it well enough that his dear boyfriend couldn’t tell the mental situation he was in, someone else did. Hyunjin felt someone pulling him in to a warm hug placing his head on the others shoulder. "Let it out..." Chan whispered to him carresing his blonde hair. Hyunjin couldn't hold back anymore and letted himself free sobbing a little bit but still being careful so he won't mess Chans shirt.

Seungmin seeing the whole situation playing got closer to Felix and Jisung who were hugging and crying together. The younger Ravenclaw joined them and letted Jisung curle up into his chest letting out some sobs out as well.

Minho was cuddling Jeongin who looked worried about his friends and Changbin was just trying to not disturb them. He knew Felix needed to break out weeks now about some other things that happened to him...


I'm so sorry it's been almost a week since I updated this story I've went on a trip and many things happened. Love ya all and thank you so much for reading<3

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