Chapter 23

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Some hours had past since the boys decided on a plan in order to get Hyunjin and Seungmin together for the Yule Ball. Felix was surely so unexpectedly prepared for something like this it scared the others out. They splited into two groups.

"Okay everyone! Pay attention to me!" Felix ordered "The plan is wayy too simple. Me, Chan, Rosè and Binnie are going to get everything ready. We are gonna ask Fat Lady to convince the house elfs to make some food for the picnic or let us use the kitchen at least. The picnic will take place in the woods. We are gonna bring Hyunjin as soon as we are ready! Jisung, Ryujin, Jeongin and Yeji, the only thing I'm asking you is taking care of Seungmin, also please make him take a break, I haven't seen him in two days cause he said he was too busy studying... Jeongin I'll leave everything else to you!"

"Why himmm? You don't trust me or anything Lix?" Jisung complained having a visible pout all over his face

"Aw Sungie don't take this personally I didn't thought of it much..." Felix explained caressing the olders shoulder

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Jeongin said out loud

"Jeongin babe I swear to God do you have a button or something?!" Ryujin spoke up making the others giggle a little bit.

"Take him to the Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley, keep him busy somehow, I don't know! Now we have to get everything ready. LETS GO PEOPLE!!" Felix ordered once again. The boy was too serious about this indeed.

And just like that the two groups went into separate ways. Keeping Seungmin busy for a few hours won't be too hard right? They only had one job. They can't mess up. Plus the fact they already knew were he was, was making their job easier. They headed into the library. It was huge and they couldn't start shouting Seungmins name so they had no other choice than starting looking for the Ravenclaw boy. And they did found him. Thankfully we wasn't hidden under a pile of books like Jisung.

"Seungminnn here you are ugh!" Jisung sat beside the younger who looked kind of confused.

"Why are you all here? What happened?" Seungmin asked his friends who were catching their breath even if running was forbidden at the library area. Literally everything was forbidden in the library, only reading and a little bit of breathing was allowed. Fortunately professors or anyone else did not saw them otherwise they would have been dead meat for sure.

"We were thinking that it would have been nice if we got to spend the day together..." Jisung explained shortly

"I'm sorry Sung but you know I need to study. I can't fail this one... SNAPE WILL KILL ME!" Seungmin seemed kind of disappointed, he kind of wanted to spend some time with his friends but he had priorities.

"Come on Minnie you've spended the last three hours in here and came in just after the classes ended, you literally had no break today and who knows how many you're doing this. Plus you skipped two meals already! You'll end up sick! Let's go eat something and get some fresh air...I WONT ACCEPT A 'NO' AS AN ANSWER!" Jisung seemed serious. Seungmin knew that the older was right so he didn't tried to deny anything. Plus he was indeed hungry and tired and a break sounded so appealing to deny at this point.

"Okay okay fine, lemme just return the books to their place..." Seungmin agreed making a movement to lift the books before Jisung stopped him

"It's okay, I will do that. Go first I'll catch you up. Right behind you buddy!" Jisung offered and Seungmin just thanked the older for his help leaving with Yeji, Ryujin and Jeongin.

Jisung casually returned the books where they belonged and now he was ready to go find the others.

He suddenly found an arm infront of him blocking his way. 'Huh?' Jisung though. He turned his gaze to look at the person.


The boy cracked up a smile as he heard his name "Hello squirrel"

"Is something wrong?" Jisung was confused. Why was the older pinning him into a wall... Whatever reason it was for it seemed to have an effect on Jisung, his stomach was full of butterflies... Minho was too close to him. Their faces were five centimeters away.

" I just wanted to...kind of...ask you something..." Minho hesitated, he couldn't even hold an eye contact with him for more than two seconds. It was the first time Jisung had seen him being so serious and nervous about something.

"MINHO-HYUNG NOT NOWWW. YOU CAN FLIRT WITH HIM SOME OTHER TIMEE, WE HAVE THINGS TO DO!" Jeongin grabbed Jisungs wrist and they walked away together. Jisung and Minho still were looking at each other until they were too far away.


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