Chapter 56

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"Where are they?" Chan was going back and forth to the room worried about the youngers "Shouldn't they had been back back by now? I'LL GO TAKE THEM!"

Jeongin rolled his eyes "Hyung don't worry, they know how to defend themselves. Plus they have Minho, he'll know what to do. And Felix is a legiment, he can be useful. They're in good hands. Sit down you've been doing this for what, like an hour?!"

Chan nodded and sat next to the younger, body restless and his stress reflexes acting up. Trembling slightly.

The room was quiet. It was almost bed time and most of the students had already dozed off.

Seungmin had fallen asleep on his boyfriends shoulder who was asleep as well resting his head gently on the top of the youngers head.

Jeongin on the other hand did not wanted to fall asleep even tho he needed it. He was too worried about his friends but Chan as well. He never saw him that worried before it actually scared him. This complicated situation they were in scared him in general...

Out of nowhere, in the quiet and dark room they heard a small sound coming from the door. The very few students who were still awake immediately turned their head around to actually see where the faint noise had come from.

'Could it be?' Jeongin questioned to himself...

And fortunately or not...the sound was made by the people he was so greatly waiting for.

Minho stepped inside the room first in slow movements, or maybe they weren't slow...who knows... they were too tired and sleep deprived to actually comprehend exactly what was happening around them.

Jisung was following, holding the olders hand tightly as they both got inside completely and closed the door behind them.

Chan blinked a few times and made a move to go to his friends. Eyes sparkling in both excitement and fear.

The boys didn't looked well. Especially Jisung. They looked...somehow down. They were looking to the floor as the professors started gathering around them. Probably it was because they sneaked out without informing anyone in charge.

Jeongin seeing his hyung approaching the two boys got up as well to walk behind him. But wait a minute...nevertheless their upset-looking faces something else was off...wasn't their intention bringing Felix and Changbin to the room of requirement?! Where those two were?! After this thought, the younger Gryffindor instantly stopped moving. Thousands of dark possible answers of why the couple wasn't with their friends were coming one by one to his mind. Unable to think positively called his hyungs name. Chan whom's wasn't working properly reacted to his name by asking the younger what happened.

The boy's expression got serious "Hyung... weren't Minho and Jisung supposed to bring Felix and Changbin back? Why aren't they here?"

Chan's eyes widened, he blinked a few times trying to get rid of the blur on his eyes caused by the loss of sleep, slowly acquiring what his dongsaeng meant. He said nothing and rushed to the two boys who were getting scolded by the professors. Jeongin following after the older.

"Minho!" Chan spoke up as he was reaching his friends. Something was indeed of seeing how puffy Jisung's eyes were 'He cried?'

"Stop right here Bang Christopher Chan!" Dumbledore demanded putting his right hand infront of the boy blocking his way. The professors were silent, he could faintly see McGonagall hiding her face using palm. Making weird noises...
'Is she crying as well?'

"Grandpa what happened?" Jeongin stood up to the elder who looked at him sighing

"Please Jeongin..." He stammered "Don't make this harder than it already is..." The man placed his arm on his grandson's shoulder looking at him sympathetically "I'm so sorry..."

'For what? NO...!' The younger Hufflepuff's eyes started filling up with tears. 'They can't be-' "'re lying..." He mumbled. "It's not t-true ain't i-it!?"

The headmaster of Hogwarts hugged the boy close to his chest while he was sobbing harshly "I'm so sorry Jeongin..." He letted out

"I don't understand.." The older Gryffindor blurted, he was in denial, didn't wanted to actually believe that their friends were...

Minho's heart broke while watching the scene, quietly observing the situation. Not long after he felt like he couldn't take it anymore so he got closer to Chan embracing him tightly leaving the boy rather speechless.

It took a bit for Chan to actually accept what happened and reach to it hugging the boy back while looking around in disbelief "A-are you sure they are really...g-gone?" He sniffled

They were...they sadly were...even if they wished they weren't. Watching them leave infront of their eyes was a memory that they surely wouldn't forget. It would haunt them for their whole lives. Knowing that they gave theirs lives for them, for them to escape, for them to live...

It hurted knowing that the people who were by their side for as long as they remember were now just a memory from the past they would remember with a grinned face. It hurted knowing that they will never get to laugh all together at the Great Hall carelessly and teasing each other like they did before. It hurted so fucking bad...

The fact they were perceiving their life and everything they were used to tearing apart was making them feel an indescribable feeling. Seeing people leaving one by one, people they knew and loved.

If everything happens for a reason then why is all of this happening? Why is life so unfair? Why do bad people exist...why can't good always win? Why can't life be kind to the good? I guess that's a question we will never find the answer to...

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