Chapter 24

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They were now sitting at Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley. They were a little away from Hogwarts but they didn't cared much. Seungmin got fish and chips, the girls decided to share a Chocolate Potted Pie and Jeongin ordered just a hot ginger tea. Jisung wasn't hungry or anything so he didn't got something. His heart was still beating rethinking about the previous memont Minho wanted to say something to him but he didn't got the chance to do so. It all happened so fast.

"I'm sorry Sung-Hyung..." Jeongin said bowing his head. He seemed genuinely sad about it.

"It's okay Innie you're overreacting. We weren't talking about something serious anyways..." Jisung pulled the younger in for a hug. He was pretending he didn't wanted one but Jisung knew him a little bit too well. Deep inside the Gryffindor boy loved the affection he was receiving from his hyungs.

Almost two and a half hours had passed since they arrived at the pub. There were no other topics for them to discuss anymore. A few minutes later the boys were all finished and ready to go. They had already given the others plenty time to organize everything. 'Hyunjin now must be waiting on the woods' Jisung though. He remembered the instructions Felix had given him and tried to follow them. But to be honest, the boy was following his instinct more, hoping they won't get lost.

Seungmin was too confused once again. 'Why are we going from there?' He thought to himself. He wasn't a particular nature man.

"Sungie where are we going in the middle of the you even know where you're going?" Seungmin asked

"I'm genuinely curious about this too!" Ryujin added

"Yaaa I do know!" Jisung replied looking at Jeongin to make sure he was really right. The younger understood the assignment and just nodded so they continued their way.

After just a few minutes they arrived to their destination that it was supposed to be behind the trees.

Everything seemed to be ready, Felix, Chan, Rosè and Changbin were there, sitting at a plaid sheet on the grass with food all around them. It looked perfect but he was sure that...something important was missing...


They came into realization and looked Felix with a questionable look on their faces, waiting for an explanation. He just shaked his head...


"What happened Lix?" JIsung had moved with Felix behind a wood waiting for an explanation why Hyunjin wasn't there.

"Well... long story short, we were ready. Everything was ready so we just had to go find Hyunjin, take him here and everything nice and well. But as soon as we arrived at the Quidditch changing rooms, we saw some Hufflepuffs being by the door just chatting, we walked thoughtlessly to the changing room. But as soon as i did they standed up infront of me blocking my way. Preventing us for going any further inside as we weren't part of any team. And they also denied when we extremely politely asked them to notify Hyunjin at least, so he would know we were there. So we just left. We tried to sneak out somehow but we couldn't find a back door or something relevant... so we gave up. UGH WHY WOULD THEY HAD RUIN EVERYTHING!!!" Felix punched the air.

"I'm sorry to interrupt..." a voice spoke up. The boys turned their heads to face the person talking

"OH hey Minnie...something happened?" Jisung got closer to the younger Ravenclaw

"No, I just wanted to say thank you for organizing all this and sorry I didn't ate much. But right I have to go..."

"Oh I see...gonna study again? Please at least promise me you'll be taking breaks regularly and NEVER EVER skip meals!" Felix's overprotective insists were acting up

"Hm I promise... again thank you, see you later Sung!" Seungmin waved goodbye to the boys and left the place. The rest of the boys and the girls were eating some snacks and playing around, kind of disappointed their plan hadn't worked out.

Seungmin quickly grabbed his books and made his way to the Quidditch stadium stands. The stadium was a perfect place to study though at this time of the year. At his common room many people might be too loud for him to focus, the Great Hall it was always too crowdy and the library felt too suffocating. Since the annual tournaments were over it was awfully quiet and he was the only one at the stands. Occasionally the teams would be practicing but that day seemed to be a day off. But the question was...was he being there because he genuinely wanted to study? Or because he wanted to see someone... no thats bullshit ain't it? 'Stop it Kim Seungmin' he said smacking himself on the cheeks.

"What are you doing here puppy?"

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