Chapter 46

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"Kento did this...he's at the dark castle!"

'Where?' Jisung looked at the older confused "What is the dark castle?"

"Lee family's residence. Everyone knows then since they're one of the few true pure-blooded families that exist in our world, families that had never been associated with any muggle blood." Changbin explained "People think of them as suspicious dark monarchs and named the house after them."

"Family Lee is pure-blooded..." Hyunjin murmured
"LIX YOU'RE RELATED TO MINHO?! SINCE YOU'RE BOTH LEE AND PURE-BLOODS?!" The Hufflepuff came into a conclusion that indeed made sense

"I think he's a really really really distant cousin, I don't even think Minho knows that for sure so don't I." Felix answered

Chan was sitting quiet in a corner, thinking what he just heard. Minho was captured by his own brother in his own house and he doubted if he would risk running away by himself. There was only one idea going through his head that would guarantee the highest possibility of Minho leaving the castle safe and sound...

"Chan hyung..." Changbin said quietly getting the olders attention "Let's do this!"

The older nodded understanding exactly what his dongsaeng meant. Now the only thing left was to tell everyone else about this but a voice in their heads was telling them not to because they knew the others would want to join them as well. The two boys got closer to each other and started looking for a plan to leave at once without anyone noticing. They decided to stick with the idea of leaving while everyone would be asleep. That way they wouldn't have to give explanation to anyone.

But there was a detail they absolutely forgot about. The fact that in reality they didn't had only each others attention. But a young legilimen's as well.


The night spread it's veils. All the boys were exhausted and decided to sleep early, taking some rest that would surely benefit them a lot tomorrow. Jisung, Hyunjin and Felix were going to sleep together on the Ravenclaw's bed, even if they were kind of cheeked by jowl. Chan and Changbin preferred to sleep on the floor and that's what happened. The lights closed and they dose off, except Chan and Changbin who were waiting for the moment everyone will be asleep.

Soon enough the youngers fell asleep, or at least that's what they thought. That meant it was time to leave. They slowly and carefully got off the covers so they wouldn't wake up anyone and standed up making their way off the dark room. Changbin stopped for a bit and looked at his sleeping boyfriend's figure sympathetically. Chan turned around to check whether Changbin was following him or not and as it got proven the younger boy had his attention on something else.

"Let's go buddy..." Chan placed his arm on the boy's shoulder, he could see the sad expression on his face and the wonder of when they're going to meet again. They younger brunette faced him and hummed in agreement following the older boy outside.

They attentively walked down the stairs pussyfoot, holding their shoes on their hands in order not to make any noise. When they reached the front door, they quietly unlock it with a key they found on the top of a little table next to it.

It was snowing heavily, which was surprisingly unusual considering the fact it was the middle of April. So they made sure to wear their coats and button the buttons all the way up.

The two boys were sure they had made it, sneaking out with noone perceiving their action but unfortunately for them, that wasn't the case.

"Where are you going..." A familiar voice spoke up through the cold air, shaking and cracking up.

Chan and Changbin turned around to face the owner of the voice, though they knew who is was...

"Felix baby..." Changbin's eyes widened, signing, he got closer to the Hufflepuff. His eyes were teary and his cheeks and nose had reddened from the cold air. When he got close enough to his boyfriend, he held his hands tightly. They both knew what they were dealing with, what's the right and what's wrong thing to do...and now...helping Minho and ensure his safety was their priority, what they had to do. They owned it to their friend. Yes it was risky, there's a possibility to not make it and get killed, trying to save Minho. But leaving him there, imprisoned to his own house, being pressured and mentally abused wasn't an option.

"I'm sorry..." The order teared up as well, pulling the younger into a warm hug noticing that he kept shivering. They stayed like this for a few seconds, they could hear their sobs which was breaking their heart.

Felix was the one who pulled off the hug first even if his boyfriends embrace made him, making him feel all warm and safe, they couldn't stay like this forever and he knew that. He locked eyes with the older but arms still hugging. "Just...come back to me soon. And be careful!" He said quietly breaking eye contact and looking to the ground.

Changbin grinned, using his pointer and thumb to raise softly Felix's chin before placing a small kiss on the others lips, making his cheecks even more red than they already were.
"I promise baby...I'm never going to leave you."

The Hufflepuff responded with a 'ts' rolling his eyes but soon enough they ended up meeting the others again. "I promise I'm never going to leave you as well. Never!"

The older smiled at Felix's cute response and pecked his lips for one more time before deciding that it was time to leave. He placed a kiss on the blonde's nose and started making his way to Chan who was waiting for him a little further. Felix waved goodbye to the two boys as he was seeing them disappearing in the wide horizon.

'See you soon love...'

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