Chapter 50

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"HE'S SAYING T-THE TRU-UTH!" Minho said in fear

'No. Not now.' Jisung thought. The four boys looked at Minho who was completely frozen, speechless, staring blankly.

So many thoughts were going through their heads. That's the first time they were going to experience something like this. The question whether they're all going to live through the attack was repeating non-stop at everyone's mind.

"At least we're going to be in history books" Seungmin tried to keep a positive attitude. His humor and sarcasm was his way of copying with anxious situations so nobody judged him reminding him how the serious the place they were was.

Jisung got closer to Minho "Min?" No response came from the older "LEE MINHO!" The blonde tried again.

This time Minho reacted at the Ravenclaw's calls, shaking his head a bit "I'm sorry."

Jisung felt the need to hug the older and that's exactly what he did. The older weakly placing his hands in Jisungs waist keeping him close to his body.

"Why are you standing in here with dump clothes? You're so cold you're shaking!" Jisung spoke up worryingly

Minho cracked a smile. It was cute seeing his boyfriend worried about such small things. "I'll go down in a bit. It's way warmer than here don't worry" He caressed the blondes head who cutely hummed in agreement.

Suddenly they heard a scream coming from somewhere, definitely inside the castle. Felix woke up scared, immediately getting up confused. Still half-asleep trying to remember what happened, where he was, where his boyfriend was...

"Where is Changbin?" He asked when everything came back in his mind, eyes widened

Jisung was doubting whether letting his friend see his boyfriend at that state was actually a good idea.

Minho took the initiative and answered "He's at the hospital wing. He woke up for a bit two hours ago, he's getting better don't worry."

Not long after Minho finished his sentence they heard another scream but that time it combined with a loud noise. The five of them quickly made their way to the window looking curiously at the scene. Death eaters were trying to brake their shield. And this time their shield seemed to really be protective.

'NOT GOOD.' They'll need plenty of magical power in order to keep the shield strong. The only thing that calmed them down was the fact Dumbledore had the elder wand in his possession.

"Let's go downstairs..." Minho suggested and the other boys nodded in agreement.


The sight they witnessed was rather disappointing. It's wasn't like the lively, loud, happy Hogwarts they were used to. The atmosphere was dark and suffocating. The halls were full of people. To his surprise, this time, Jisung didn't felt everyone's judgmental glances on him. They seemed scared, sitting down in the cold floor hugging each other and sleeping resting their heads on the other's shoulders. A literal chaos was situated in some areas where students were crying and their friends were comforting them. 'That's where the screams came from...'

On their way to the Hospital Wing they passed the Great Hall. In wasn't as crowded. The food in the tables was a lot less than usually and noone was actually eating. Some stray ghosts flying around anxiously and they could see Mrs. Flitwick sitting at the teachers table, looking after the student's.

Outside the Hospital wing they met Hyunjin who greeted them and subtly reaching Seungmin, placing his left hand on the youngers waist after pecking him on the cheek.

"Where is Chan-Hyung?" Jeongin genuinely questioned

"Ohh he left with his sister not long ago. I don't know where they were heading to but they probably are around here."

"What about Changbin?" Felix murmured

"He's better, his pulse is okay and he's breathing just fine. They say he might be in some kind of a coma...but hopefully it'll pass soon!"

"Can I see him?"

Jisung quickly held Felix's hand at the hearing of the statement.

"Are you sure that's the best thing you could do?" The Ravenclaw anxiously asked.

Felix smiled reassuringly "Yes. I'll be fine thank you for worrying Sungie!"

After that answer nobody tried to stop him from doing so. He walked past Hyunjin and opened the wooden door that was guiding him inside the Wing.

Most of the beds were occupied, it made sense...
But either way finding Changbin's wouldn't be much of a hassle.

'Not here...'
'Neither in here...'
'Not in here as well'

He thought while walking further to the room...

Until he stopped walking.

He couldn't believe that the boy lying there was his boyfriend, his Changbin, the one who was always by his side since he was twelve, the one who was there during his darkest moments. The only reason he was still going...
The person he was longing, the person who was planning his future with, his one and whole world, his most treasured memories were made with him. He was in a few words...the core of his own little earth.

He quietly walked over and sat in a chair next to his bed.

"I've heard people in comas can hear their surroundings but not react to them. So...I really hope you can hear this." He felt his eyes watering " Hey binnie... I know you're excessive and tend to worry a lot about me, if I'm doing well but I'm okay. I really am!" The first tear fell to his cheek "But please wake up! Please... I need you so bad right now... and I'll always need you. I simply can't be without you. Believe me or are my everything. You've always been my most beautiful treasure. The person I couldn't believe was mine, I really thought I couldn't be so lucky to meet someone like you in my lifetime. But I did and I'm really thankful I did. You are the meaning of my life, you brightened up my darkness and never let me go! I'm sorry if I didn't appreciate you enough, I hope I was a good boyfriend you...Please promise we will never get separated. Promise?"

"FELIX!" A voice shouted loudly, interrupting him

"Sung?" The blonde recognized the voice, he got up quickly and saw his friend standing not far away "What happened?"

"The shield is slowly breaking! IT'S BREAKING!"

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