Chapter 51

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"FELIX!" A voice shouted loudly, interrupting him

"Sung?" The blonde recognized the voice, he got up quickly and saw his friend standing not far away "What happened?"

"The shield is slowly breaking! IT'S BREAKING!"

Felix's eyes widened. 'Not here, not now. Couldn't they just wait till he's better? What should I do, I will never leave him alone!' "And what's next?" He genuinely asked, the self control that allowed him to block his powers was lessened
'He's scared...'

"Um..." Jisung stuttered

Before he got to finish Hyunjin, Seungmin, Minho and Jeongin burst into the room

"Lix!" Seungmin called "You stay here with Minho and Hyunjin. Jisung with me! We gotta find, Mingi, Namjoon-Hyung and Chan-Hyung! Okay?"

"Hm!" Jisung agreed

Minho looked at the younger worryingly "Is this a good idea?"

"I'll be fine I promise!" The Ravenclaw chuckled "Take care Min!" The blonde said before leaving the room with Seungmin

Hogwarts was in a pandemonium. Everything was disorganized, nobody was calm, maybe because noone was sure about their future, alive, dead, broken, losing everything was a possible scenario about what will happen to each one of them. And obviously our characters would be no exception.

Some students were running in the corridors trying to find places to hide and some of them were patiently waiting for the time they'll have to defend themselves.

"CHAN-HYUNG! ROSÈ!" Seungmin spotted the two siblings in the crowd

"Guys!" Chan rejoiced, running to them with his sister following "Go hide what are you doing here?"

"We were looking for you!" Jisung explained

"SUNGIEEE!" A voice said interrupted their conversation with the older.

Jisung turned his head around to face the owner of the voice "MINGIYAAA!" He hugged the older in excitement.
'Only Namjoon-Hyung to left find'

"Have you taken the rat as well or it's sleeping in our dorm peacefully messing up our things with its little tiny tinie feet? Huh buddy?" Seungmin asked slightly smirking

"Don't worry honeyy he's safe and sound, Yunho has him." Mingi said sarcastically.

'Seungmin's and Mingi's relationship wouldn't change even if death eaters were about to attack us' Jisung though finding it rather entertaining.

"I suppose that's your boyfriend's name Mingi sweetie" The brunette teased the redhead knowing he was precocious in matters that had to do with his boyfriend

"You are the one to talk? By the way where is the blonde handsome quidditch player people are craaaazy about? Huh Minnie?"

"Well aren't you a treat! Right now he's hidden but don't worry I'll pass him your greetings" The younger Ravenclaw rolled his eyes in response "By the way Mingiya have you seen Namjoon-Hyung?"

"Oh we were together a little earlier with his friend Jackson but then he headed to the astronomy tower. I don't know why tho." Mingi inquired, looking kind of confused indeed

"Okay. We're going there to get him. Okay Seungmin?" The blonde boy expressed.

Seungmin hummed in response.

"Be careful!" Chan gasped

The two boys ran away making their way to the astrology tower "WE ALWAYS AREEE~" Seungmin shouted out loud, reassuring his friend.


The two boys climbed the stairs rather quickly, as quickly as they stopped when they heard voices talking from upstairs.

'STAY HIDDEN!' Seungmin mouthed, not making any noise and Jisung completely understood the assignment. The astronomy tower was designed like this so they could stay hidden but still see what's happening upstairs thanks to the way the stairs were made.

The Ravenclaws approached the opening.
'That's Namjoon-Hyung and a rather familiar guy...'

"Why didn't you contact me! I THOUGHT TOU DIED!" Namjoon fumed. He seemed angry and sad at the same time, like he got heartbroken...

"IT'S BEEN SO LONG! HOW HAVEN'T YOU FORGET ABOUT ME?!" The black-heared guy remonstrated

Namjoon bawled "HOW THE FUCK COULD I KIM SEOKJIN?! ARE YOU HEARING YOURSELF? So you just forgot about me huh? After everything we have been through, all those memories and you left everyone and left? Your family and me like I was NOTHING TO YOU?! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT HURTED TO MOURN THE ONLY FRIEND I'VE EVER HAD BACK THEN? AND THIS PERSON WAS BY CHANCE MY BOYFRIEND! Feeling unsure whether you were dead or maybe worse. I was lost with nobody by my side! For some time I thought I was to blame for everything! I JUST WANTED AN EXPLANATION AND NOBODY EVER GAVE ME ONE! EVER!" The boy broke out to the floor

Jisung and Seungmin were watching to the scene with almost teary eyes.
At a moment Seungmin made a move to held Jisungs hand squishing him gently and obviously Jisung locked their fingers. They were both curious and surprised...the guy that left him, the one he was telling them about was infront of him. No wonder he's overwhelmed, who wouldn't have been.

Seokjin get closer to the boy, knelt down and raised the youngers head using his pointer. "You never deserved knowing the truth! It wasn't fair for you to live like this darling..."

"So you really left me to join them then? How could you go so low..." He standed up shattering the olders hand away

"WATCH YOUR WORDS JOON!" He hissed, grabbing the others wrist aggressively.

"I see... What is gonna happen if I don't hu-" Namjoons speech got interrupted by a pair of lips collided on his.

It didn't took long for Namjoon to kiss back and soon have their lips moving passionately against the others. Seokjin's hand were situated on the youngers waist and Namjoon's were resting on the older guy's chest. The kiss felt warm and soft but in the same time really wrong. It took a few seconds for Namjoon to realize what was actually wrong. During the kiss Seokjin was subtly pushing him closer and closer to the edge of the tower. They were almost there... until Namjoon stopped walking backwards and broke the kiss.

"That was your way of bringing me here? I wouldn't say I didn't fell for that though..." The youngers face was wet and teary, still he managed to crack a smile through it.

The other just sighed and took his hands away from the brunettes waist going to stand a few steps away from the place they were.

"Why do you hesitate now?" Namjoon yelled more tears falling to his cheeks "You're not weak. You never were... A lot before you join those dumbasses cult-like bracket! You already went this far anyways!" He cried out loud
"Do it now I'm ready..." The boy slowly closed his eyes, accepting his fate

Seokjin chuckled, feeling a tear falling to his face "I'm sorry Namjoon..." The wizard raised his wand, faintly pointing at the boy infront of him.


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