Chapter 60

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'NO!' Jisung closed his eyes. He just couldn't stand watching death coming for him, the weird feeling of having nothing more you can do... just wait for the expected. Those few seconds after those merciless words left the young wizard's mouth felt like a century.
That was it then? Lived that long just to die there? Infront of all of his friends and lover? That would traumatize them CAN'T DIE! He haven't done a lot of things. He was planning on going to Paris next Christmas with Minho to visit his sister. And after graduation... hopefully live together with him...grow up life pass infront of them. But he won't feel afraid this time! Because he won't have to be alone!

It's too soon! Too...unfair...
What about his parents? They'll be crushed when they learn about this. That their only child died because he couldn't stay silent anymore. Such an unjust way to die.
'I'm so sorry mum...Thank you for everything you've ever done for me. I couldn't ask for a better person to call my family. Goodbye dad, I'm sorry for everything.'

Seungmin...Jeongin...these two dumbasses. Filled his life with color, an extra reason to live. Those two ugh. They had a big impact on his life... In a world where he was a stranger, where he had noone, they were there brighting up the darkness. Ready to hug him and accept him the exact way he was.
'Goodbye you two...I love you'

Chan and Hyunjin...he met them by chance. Just because Chan had a soft spot for Jeongin and used to hang out with him. And Hyunjin...just because he was Seungmins crush. He hoped those two the best. They were the cutest and most well-suited couple. They were basically completing and balancing one another.
'I hope you two the best...
Goodbye Channie-hyung... I still remember when we were teleporting for the first time, I was scared, but you didn't let go of my hand. Thank you for that...'

Minho...the love of his life. At first it was weird to explain their unique connection. Even when they were practically strangers and Minho was sticking with felt like...he had found home in a person. An overwhelming sense of security and comfort. That's what a soulmate feels like? Your heart beating fast, your cheeks feeling like they're on fire, everytime you two lock eyes, everytime you two cross paths... Even though soulmates may not physically stay together forever, the love is always there... He believed on that!

'I will love you forever my love...
Please don't cry, as someone I knew once told me...think of me as a happy memory, be grateful we met. The memories i cherish the most, are with you. When I first met you under that tree and you criticized the book I was reading. When we lied together under the stars and you opened up your heart to me and after that, you cuddled with me. When we danced at the Yule Ball and it turned out you were actually jealous of Lisa, only if you knew... and when we kissed for the first time. I swear i could feel the world stopping for a bit. The moment my lips touched yours...My soulmate goodbye...'

Frighteningly, the young boy open his eyes. But the view he faced wasn't what he expected...He was expecting a white bright place welcoming him but instead of that he got...

When he opened his eyes. He was at the Great Hall. Everyone was looking at him. He was unexpectedly surprised. Trying to explain how is it possible that he's not dead. He's completely sure he had been cursed by Kento. It took him a moment to look around and spot a lying figure infront of him...

'Could it be..."


The boy lying there was Minho. There's no way! What happened?! His mind went foggy

'HE DIDN'T DID WHAT I THINK HE DID! DID HE?! NONONONONO PLEASE NO! Did he really sacrificed himself like that?!'

He quickly kneeled down to the floor, his hands were trembling while he was rolling the older boy to his back noticing that he was unnaturally cold to touch, eventually he rested his head on Jisung's lap...
"BABY TALK TO ME!!!" He gasped. Brushing Minho's hair off his forehead

The older boy was pale, his eyes were shutted and his nose was wrinkled scarily. Last but not least, the scariest detail.

After Jisung carefully observed the boy on his arms he noticed...his body was slowly being teared a statue while it was being broken in pieces. But it wasn't small rocks...but a light dust coming from him.

The younger boy broke down right after. Was that meant he would disappear eternally?! He started crying his eyes out. His lover was dying. A nightmare come true. NONO IT FELT WRONG

'Why him! Why not me!!! PLEASE TAKE ME NOT HIM! PLEASE-' He preferred dying instead of him, he didn't cared about himself but the boy was his whole world that was vanishing in front of him.

"Sungie..." The boy murmured

Jisung opened his eyes finding a hand placed on his cheek. Softly caressing it and wiping the tears away...

"My beautiful Sungie..." The Slytherin cracked a smile, making eye contact with the young squirrel who was a mess

Instead of calming him down the action made Jisung cry harder. How couldn't he...

"Please squirrel. I need to tell you some things please... Let's not waist our time like this..." The older boy letted out, reaching his other hand to hold Jisung's.
He was right...waisting their last moments like this wouldn't be virtuous... and to be fair, he wanted thr hear what the older had to say. It would be the last memory he would have of him...

"Don't cry..." Such an irony since the moment he said that a tear fall to his cheeks as well watching the love of his life tearing down ahead of him "I'm sorry I'm leaving you!"


"I REALLY AM SORRY! My squirrel..." He made a pause admiring his boyfriend's pretty features, couldn't do anything else than smiling on the view "You're gorgeous! Believe it or not. You're my everything, my little personal ball of sunshine and positivity. After everything I was going through the last months, the only thing that cheered me up was this beautiful face of yours. This sweet voice you have. This outstanding smile that never failed making me smile as well. Those chubby cheeks which when you eat, they make you look like a squirrel. So cute hahah..."

Jisung sobbed in return "Please d-dont leave me...Please Minho-" He begged him, even if he knew there was nothing they could do.

The older chuckled behind his tears "I really don't want to baby. I really want to stay with you. Hug you in my arms and never let g-"

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE WITHOUT YOU?!" He cried out loud interrupting his lover who's expression changed drastically

"I'm sorry..." He held the other boys hand even tighter "I promised Felix that I will take care of you forever remember? Keep you away from any danger. Protect you from any harm...And I think I kept my promise didn't I?" He grinned once more

"You also promised me to make me even more of those lights that were brighting through the night. You promised me you will never leave me...why are you leaving?! I don't deserve living instead of you!"

'I just wished for once, you stopped being so insecure..'
"I love you so much. So incredibly much! You deserve the whole world. You deserve the best things in life! It would be unfair if you didn't get to live them like you always wanted... Don't cry baby..."

Sadly the time was running. They just hoped it stopped for once. Minho's body was currently almost non existent. Getting fainter every passing second...

"I love you so much... Thank you for everything, thank you for lighting up my life. Thank you for being my soulmate! I love you, FOREVER! How could you be that selfless Min..." The younger sniffled

"I love you way more than myself don't you get it?" The boy embraced the younger with all the energy he had left pecking him on the lips softly before doing so and letting him bury his face on his shoulder after "I'm sorry I won't be there, smiling with you at your happy moments, crying with you at your struggles, watching you grow old, proudly standing next to you as you fulfill your dreams. Remember I will love you forever...I can promise that at least.

Goodbye my squirrel..."

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