Chapter 53

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The room was located on the seventh floor in the left corridor of the Hogwarts castle and has a hidden entrance opposite the tapestry depicting the attempt of Barnabas the Barmy to teach trolls ballet.

The beauty of the Room of Requirement was that it adjusted to nuances. Even the Marauder’s Map couldn’t tell you who was inside it. But the room was quite specific in how it responded to the requiree, and those using it must be sure to close all loopholes.

Going back in the history the room had been used before for similar reasons, it became a safe place for the resistance, providing places to sleep and access to a tunnel out of Hogwarts that could be used to acquire food. Which in their case was something more than convenient.

The boys had moved to the seventh floor carefully so they wouldn't accidentally run into a Death Eater. Minho was the one who was leading them, Jisung following and last by not least Hyunjin and Seungmin were walking behind them.

Hyunjin wanted to make sure his boyfriend was okay, even if he didn't exactly knew what happened at the Astronomy Tower he could guess that it was something probably traumatic judging on how the younger looked. The only thing he could do at that moment to be by Seungmin's side and don't leave him alone nevertheless. Holding him gently by his shoulders and occasionally checking on him with a worried expression.

It wasn't long until they stopped infront of a wall. The way to open the room was to walk past it three times thinking about what one needed, and the door would appear.  And that's exactly what happened.

The plain wall suddenly started forming, carvings started appearing out of nowhere and as it seemed they were getting darker and darker every passing second. To be exact this colour was more of an walnut wood colour, deep dark chocolate hue. The carvings were following a specific pattern which was nothing else...than a door. Just like they've heard...

When the door seemed to had completely finished it's transformation, the four young boys didn't lost any second and opened it.

As it was expected, everyone's eyes were nailed on them, as well as their attention.

"CLOSE THE DOOR QUICKLY!" A deep voice spoke up. Jisung turned his head to find the owner and it was noone else than their headmaster, professor Dumbledore.

"Tell me, are you all okay?" Professor McGonagall walked over wearing a worried expression all over her face

Were they? Seungmin couldn't get his breathing and trembles under control, Jisung was all white and frightened and most importantly, at the end, they had lost someone...Namjoon... and they almost lost Jisung as well but he wanted to make sure nobody would learn about that and worry more. The situation was bad enough already.

"No..." Seungmin spoke up, softly sniffling "Kim N-Namjoon...we couldn't save him... A d-death eater got him a-and-" The brunette felt like he couldn't go on anymore and fell down on his knees. Hyunjin who was supporting him went down as well. The younger was byruing his head into the blondes chest, trying to calm himself down

"It's okay puppy! You're okay!" His boyfriend was caressing him, trying his best to comfort the Ravenclaw

The students started murmuring stuff to each other, somebody had died...a student...
That's when they realized how serious their situation was. All this time most of them were being in denial, trying to convince themselves that it wasn't that bad but Namjoon's death shocked everyone and harshly made them come back into the reality. It wasn't a joke anymore. It was a game of life and death.

The teachers were looking at each other scared. They were in change of all of them, lossing of a student meant so much...

Jisung starred at the scene playing blankly, he had no words left to say. Everyone was being a mess...

"SUNG-HYUNG!" Somebody called

Jisung looked around in order to identify the speaking person. "Innie..."

When Jeongin reached Jisung he hugged him as if it was the first time he was facing him after years.

Chan had reached them out as well while Jeongin and Jisung were being busy with hugging "I'm sorry you two had to see this..."

"Yeah..." Jisung mewled "Go to Seungmin! He's in a much more difficult place than me!"

"What happened there Han Jisung!" Minho said fondly. His eyes were sparkling. His expression was serious. He seemed like he wouldn't accept anything but the truth. Jisung wasn't sure about this. Telling him? it really wasn't his place speaking about the incident plus it might be a sensitive topic for his dormmate and touching it wouldn't be right...

"I just..." Seungmin approached the talking group. The moment he spoke up he felt his friends full attention on him "Had to kill my brother who apparently wasn't dead all of these years but had joined the death eaters..." He grinned a little bit, closing his eyes and sighing.

'Copying mechanism' Jisung's heart broke hearing this. The rest of the boys seemed shocked, he was pretty sure half of them didn't even knew that the Ravenclaw had a brother that was missing for years and his family was considering dead.

Hyunjin's eyes started tearing up, he silently forced his hands into fists and bit his downer lip.

Chan was speechlesss starring at the cold floor blankly, Jeongin was holding Jisung's hand tightly and Minho couldn't lift his eyes and head to face anyone. Maybe he was feeling guilty about the fact he had kind of pressed the situation and required Jisung to explain what happened, but he wasn't expecting something that traumatic would have taken place at the Astronomy Tower. In the end he was worried about Jisung but he felt like an apology was necessary.

"I'm sorry If I forced you into telling us something you weren't ready for Seungmin!" Minho bowed slightly expressing his regret.

"It's okay...I would be telling you anyways after a bit" Seungmin answered sympathetically

The tension between the group was loud. But...they seemed to be fewer than usual...

"WHERE IS FELIX AND CHANGBIN??" Jisung pointed out, the moment he said this the 6 boys looked at each other with a questionable look on their faces.

"They're not here?" Minho asked Chan and Jeongin who had spended the most time in the room of requirement. If they were there's no they wouldn't be seeing them.

Chans eyes widened "I supposed you two were going to get them along with Jisung and Seungmin!" Chan pointed on Minho and Hyunjin

Hyunjin pupils dialed "We didn't thought they would have still be at the hospital wing. I thought they were coming with you!"

"No we came here with Ryujin and Yeji!" Chan said out loud using his hyung voice at the moment

"WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?! THEY'RE STILL OUTSIDE!" Jisung shouted concerned "I'm going to find them!"

"I'm coming with you!" Seungmin made a move to follow Jisung but stopped when he felt someone grabbing his wrist preventing him

"No you're not!" Hyunjin said seriously "You're staying here, I don't care what you say, I won't let you go, you're in no state to deal with this. Not right now!" It hurted to admit but the Hufflepuff really had a point

"I'm going with Jisung, I was planning on going anyways.." Minho reassured the younger with a warm smile

"Please bring the three of them back safely...and stay safe as well!" Seungmin voiced

"I'll do my best. I promise!"

Promises...promises...a commitment...but in this case, it's something we wish on being able to do, something we aren't sure about, fate is not always fare to the good. Like wishes... which in some certain situations have the same meaning with a promise. Trying to have the slightest hope that everything will turn out for the best, the way we want them, it's not harming. But facing that person after breaking a promise will hurt the most. Everything would have been better if we lived in an ideal world, without troubles or concerns. If only...

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