Chapter 47

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It's crazy how passionate and determined young people are. When you're young you have hope that everything will turn out for the best, that everything you wish for will eventually come true. Living the moment, not thinking about the consequences of your actions. Letting emotions guide and control you more than you control them. That's why young people make a lot of mistakes, that's how the phase "Learn from your mistakes" was made.
Young people also tend to give a lot of promises thinking they're able to keep them but in reality sometimes it's more than difficult to do so. And the worst part is that deep inside them, they know it.

Lee Family's residence was situated in a small private island, not far away from Hogwarts. The two boys decided on flying by broomsticks since they had no other choice.

When they arrived the dark castle, they confirmed some of the theories they've heard about the mysterious and fascinating place everyone was talking about.

It was big, way bigger than they ever imagined, it at least had four small towers which were connected to two main ones, way bigger. The color of the castle was black even the roof tiles, a black that seemed to have faded over the years in some corners, becoming a rough dark gray.

"How are we gonna find Minho?" Changbin asked

"I don't know. Should we knock the door and say hello we're here to help your son run away from you?" Chan joked

Changbin rolled his eyes "Very funny Hyung" making Chan smile in response.

The older got suddenly serious remembering the situation they're in and got a moment to think a possible way of finding Minho inside this huge castle without risking getting seen "Obviously we can't use neither a teleportation spell nor a tracking one since I doubt that magic isn't banned inside his room. If it wasn't, there would have been a possibility of him running away even without a wand and Minho's parents wouldn't want that."

Changbin nodded in agreement "Right."

"So what are we going to do is this. We are going to send an object by a teleportation spell to his Minho's window. Magic can't be banned outside his room as well. And then we are going to use a tracking spell to locate our object." Chan finished

The younger boy had widened his eyes in surprise, the plan was good enough and very smart if you ask me "That should work!"

They randomly chose their object, and that was a dry leaf which was lying on the ground. Chan picked it up and held his wand to cast the teleportation spell. He murmured a few words Changbin couldn't catch while waving his wand in a quick movement and kind of circled motion.

The exact time he finished the spell, the dried leaf disappeared infront of their eyes leaving a little bit of dust behind.

The boys waited a few minutes to make sure that leaf will have managed to reach Minho's room before casting the second spell. This time Changbin was the one who was going to cast it.

"Appare Vestigium" The Slytherin said pointing his wand slightly to the castle. After he finished, a light dust was revealed infront of them. The illusion continued spreading in the area, shaping a a path, and with every passing second, this path grew wider guiding them somewhere. The young boys without a second thought followed this path, curious if their spell was successful and whether their plan had worked after all.

The dust ended up guiding them to the side view of the building. The dust continued up to a balcony till it stopped when it found the dry leaf. Minho's room was up there...

Chan without thinking much about it teleported them to the balcony praying it was the right thing to do. Changbin was surprised, one time he was there and now he was here without any warning, but didn't lost much time and started knocking on the window loudly. They couldn't see anything inside because the certains were on the way.

"STOP IT!" Chan whispered "We will get caught! But after all we are wizards for goodness sake! You can literally unlock the opening with a charm!"

Changbin widened his eyes, coming into realization "YOU'RE RIGHT!" The Slytherin boy held his wand up, pointed into the lock



Meanwhile, Jisung and Hyunjin have learned about Chan's and Changbin's attempt to help Minho escape. They were both worried and skeptical. Jisung thought that staying by Felix was the only thing he could do at that time other than thinking about Minho and his friends. He spended enough time with the Hufflepuff to know when he's feeling distressed and bereaved.

Their plan was to go to Hogwarts to wait, join their friends and know from first hand how things are about to go there. What's going to happen next, yes it was scary, but they all knew that was the right thing to do rather than staying there hiding and praying for the best.

The boys left the house early in the morning, Jisung didn't felt like saying goodbye to his mum since it was very likely she would make it a big deal and that's the last thing he wanted.

The flight was quiet, something unusual considering how loud Hyunjin and Felix normally are, and after less than half hour they reached Hogwarts.

"How are we going to pass this?" Jisung took a moment to think about it "HOW DID YOU EVEN ESCAPED THIS?" His mouth opened in shock

"My puppy..." Hyunjin grinned

'Huh?' Jisung thought

"Seungmin came into the conclusion that if Mina's owl and your scarf could pass through the shield then it couldn't be real. And after testing it, it's true, it's an illusion Sungie!" Felix explained to the surprised-looking boy

Hearing about this, he wanted to make sure himself this was true. And what if it was? That meant... that if he had tried this before, when he was with Minho, they would have entered Hogwarts together and nothing would have happened to him. But on the other hand...death eaters would have learned about the shield not being protective and that would have detriment the whole Hogwarts.

Jisung came closer to the shield, he reached his hand closer and closed his eyes before pushing his hand infront, waiting for some kind of barrier.

And to his surprise, his hand had successfully passed through. He enthusiastically runned to the castle, only to find the doors closed. Without any choice left the boys begun opening the heavy door all by themselves. Fighting through it, they finally managed to open a good amount that would allow them to pass one by one.

When Jisung came in, all the eyes were on him.Everyone had stopped chatting and a silence was filling the place, the students were starring, so was Dumbledore. They felt humiliated and shamed, breaking the rules would surely miff their headmaster.

But as weird as it sounds...he didn't seemed to care. He left the place silently, rolling his eyes and walking slowly. Like he knew about this already and he was just disappointed at them. He dramatically walked away, amazing everyone...

"SUNGIEEEEE!" A voice stood out from the crown and the next thing Jisung saw was a young boy running to him

"Innie heyy-" He hugged the boy as soon as he reached him. Seungmin following behind, waiting for the time Jeongin will let Jisung go so he will hug him as well but a tall blonde guy had other plans.

Hyunjin rushed to the boy, hugging him tightly. "Didn't you missed me huh?" He caressed the youngers head softly

Seungmin chuckled "What do you think? Obviously I did, you dummy."

The younger Ravenclaw boy seemed tense though. He was waiting for six people and just three of them showed up. Wondering where the other three were, trying not to think of the worse...

"Where is Chan, Changbin and Minho?" Jeongin said before him

Felix sighed "Well..."


Sorry it took so much time to update. I honestly think this is the most bad-written chapter in this book.
Thank you so much for 2.2k<3

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