Chapter 2

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The boy didn't seemed surprised that the younger had seen him before.

"Took you long enough huh squirrel? And you're Felix's friend. Nice to meet you."

Sq-Squirrel. Jisung cheecks were heating up and eventually looked away slightly blushing, he didn't knew why though, they barely knew each other. But the older didn't mind, the other way around, he found him cute all reddish that couldn't help but crack a smile.

"What are you smiling for?"

"Hm? It's look so cute blushing, like a blushing squirrel bwhaha so I can't help it, sorry not sorry."

Jisung felt his cheeks heating up once again but this time even more. He was positive that now he had this beautiful colour of a tomato, or a beetroot, depends on how you see it. He wasn't replying to the extraordinarily handsome boy as he was too busy replaying on his mind the words that just left the older's mouth. 'Am I cute?'

Suddenly the older got up, making his way back to the castle leaving Jisung alone.

"See you around squirrel!"

The boy said before heading out. That meant they were going to see each other again? The fact that the older even made up a nickname for him even after like two minutes of knowing the younger made him blush again at the thought.
Knowing that his mind won't be able to focus on the book after the scene that got occurred, he made his way back to the castle as well.

The next day everything went pretty much normal and kind of boring he would add. The boy attended his everyday classes like usual and now he was sitting at the Great Hall eating with Seungmin and Jeongin.

Looking around he saw a pair of eyes meeting his, it was the boy he had seen yesterday. He didn't knew his name though so to his mind he referred to him as the handsome boy of the tree. The eye contact made the younger shy and looked away soon after. Making it almost impossible for his friends to not notice how nervous he suddenly was. Seungmin looked first of all up and down to Jisung and then the person the boy was staring at, before speaking up.

"Why are you guys looking at each other? Do you like him or something?"

That made Jisung jump up, blinking his eyes fast to focus on what Seungmin was saying. Him? Liking this boy? No that couldn't be possible, he just thought he was interesting to hang around and get to know him. Nothing more. Or at least that's what he wanted to say to himself.

"Um no I just met him." He letted out.

But it looked like this wasn't convincing enough because Seungmins face was forming a noticeable smirk. Jeongin didn't even bothered to say something though, he continued eating unbothered by his hyungs business.

Next day after the classes Jisung decided to go to the castle wards to read his book once again. Totally not because he wished to run across this beautiful boy again but at this point he was practically lying to himself. Reaching the tree, he got disappointed when he noticed that nobody was there so having else to do, he quietly sat under the tree and started calmly reading.


A voice said making the younger scream out in surprise once again. 'Why does he has to do this every freakin time?!' He looked beside and saw the boy hysterically laughing.

Not going to lie, Jisung was a little annoyed by this act of his but he couldn’t care much. If Felix was on his place he would have knocked his head up...

'How can a person be so beautiful while laughing huh?'

"Sorry I didn't intend to scare you but you're getting frightened way too easily squirrel" The boy implied while he was making his way to sit next to the younger.

"Shut up..." Jisung said shyly hiding his face behind his book.

"Shut up Minho." He corrected "It's Minho, I'm Minho."

Minho? Would it be too much if he was saying that even his name was beautiful? Probably it would. It suited him well enough though.

"I'm Jisung"

"I already know who you are Jisungie. The muggle-born Ravenclaw. The only muggle-born of your year."

Another nickname. His felt his heart flutter on the thought that Minho knew who he was but...he wasn't exactly proud he was a muggle-born. To be honest he had been bullied when he was a first year for it. Even the fact that people were gossiping that he was a muggle-born like it was something bad, annoyed him.

But somehow, bad to admit, he was used in being called nicknames like 'mudblood' and that word, everytime, made him wonder if he really liked being known as the muggle-born of his year.

Though he couldn't do anything about it. Sometimes he felt like he wasn't worthy enough to study there with real wizards, students with magical parents.

He didn't realized that his expression had dropped, Minho was starting to panic in the thought that he made the younger upset. He was really interested in the younger and wanted to get to know him... 'Ugh you're an idiot Lee Minho fuck!'

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-"

"No no it's okay."

"Are you sure? Your expression changed since I told u this..."

"Yeah, so... I've got to go sorry, I need to study and I'm having a headache. So sorry I'm not in the mood to talk much right now Minho-hyung." He bowed slightly before leaving the place

The older stayed silent and frowned while watching the younger walk away. 'He called me hyung?'

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