Chapter 25

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"What are you doing here puppy?"

Seungmin was surprised as he genuinely thought he was going to be alone for the whole afternoon. He turned to his right to face the owner of the voice.

"Oh Jin it's you..." Seungmin was relieved it was him but the thing he didn't understood was why his heart beating was showing the exact opposite. Hyunjin came closer and sat beside the younger.

"Why are you surprised huh? A lot of people are calling you puppy?" Hyunjin said teasingly, putting his arm around the younger boys shoulders embracing him. The action made the boy a lot more nervous. Hyunjin examined the boys face before speaking up.
"Why are you so red and not talking to me? Are you sick or something?" The quidditch player made a move with his other hand to feel the boys forehead. He was surprised to find out that he wasn't any warm.

"I'm fine Jinnie..." The younger said pushing his palm away from his forehead, leaving the order boy with a pout all over his face.

"Sorry, I'm worried..." Hyunjin took his arm off Seungmins shoulders. Seungmin was screaming inside, shoving Hyunjin away wasn't his intention at all..."Jinnie? Wow you haven't called me Jinnie since we won against Slytherin at the Quidditch finals...I kind of like it...such a shame you stopped calling me that..."

"Good for you...I'll have that in mind" Seungmin said giving the impression he didn't wanted to talk to the older, he hadn't even looked at him since the boy had come to sit next to the Ravenclaw. Hyunjin just letted out a small complaining 'tss'. Seungmin seemed tense and he knew that, but what else could he do? He wasn't sure if he wanted to say something he might regret in the immediate future, so he decided to stay silent for as long as he could...

"Minnie? Do you have something against me? It's been over two days we haven't seen each other and you're not talking at all and you're being all distant. Sorry if I make you any uncomfortable in any way, I didn't intend to do so...I can leave if it makes you feel better..." Hyunjin standed up making his way off the stand.

"Fuck it Hwang!" Seungmin got up, he walked quickly to Hyunjin grapping him by his wrist in order to stop him from going any further. The older didn't expected this. He turned around to face the younger. He looked serious it scared him, though he wasn't letting go of his hand.

"Puppy what-"

Hyunjin got interrupted as a pair of lips were collided into his. He was speechless. His eyes were wide open trying to observe the situation. Seungmin was literally kissing him and he wasn't even responding. When he finally realized what was happening, he made a move to kiss back but it was too late as Seungmin was already pulling away.

Seungmin couldn't even meet the olders eyes after doing this, 'I didn't just k-kissed him did I?!' looking at the floor he decided to leave. But for some reason he couldn't... that reason turned out to be hand that was holding him back from doing so. Hyunjin instead of grapping him by his wrist he inlocked their fingers together. He knew it was either now or never so he convinced himself to stop being a coward and got closer to the Ravenclaw boy who had lost his bereft of speech. He placed his hand on the boys cheek brushing it lovingly. Seungmin was way too lost into the Hufflepuffs eyes. They could feel each other's breaths against their lips, that's when Hyunjin finally took the initiative and closed the gap between them.

It took a second for Seungmin to realize the state he was in due to the shock but it didn't took long and he followed Hyunjins lead, kissing him back. Their lips moved slowly against the other, lips ever-so slightly parted. It was warm and soft, their breaths were slow and deep, it made both escape reality. Hyunjins hands smoothly traveled down the youngers waist pulling him even closer, making Seungmin gasp a little on the action placing his hands around the olders neck. The kiss continued like this for a hot minute.

Eventually they both pulled out, out of breath. Seungmin couldn't face the older, his cheeks were even hotter than before and his heart was on the edge of exploding any minute now. Hyunjin placed his hand on the others cheek making him look at his face. A smile was placed on his lips, Seungmin without thinking of it smiled back.

" you want to be my date for the Ball?" Hyunjin asked brushing the boys cheek with his thumb once again.

"Wasn't this clear enough you idiot!" Seungmin replied reaching his hand to hold Hyunjins.

"You love an idiot huh? Hm I see..." He teased the younger


I'm screaming-

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