Chapter 5

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The game ended for the day after 4 whole hours and Hufflepuff won, jeez that snitch really wasn't easy to catch. They all were tired. They almost slept on the spot. Plus half of the time Jeongin was complaining about being hungry and Seungmin was telling him to be shut up because he couldn't deal with this right now, he had other things to do...

Changbin and Felix were on their own world cuddling each other and talking at the back seats and Chan was being right next to Minho. Chan was a Gryffindor like Jeongin so he knew how to handle the boy since they knew each other for a pretty long time so he had given him a chocolate bar to stop complaining. So weird that him and Minho hadn't met each other earlier considering that people from their friend group were pretty close. They all soon standed up making their way off the stadium.

"Hey, hey lovebirds everyone is leaving, are you planning on getting up anytime soon?" Chan spoke up but ss expected Felix and Changbin seemed unbothered by the others leaving, as I said they were on their own little world.

"Chan-hyung!" Felix whined

They all laughed at their reaction and soon headed up to quidditch changing rooms to meet Hyunjin.

"Hellooo guysss" Hyunjin spoke as he saw all his friends coming to his way.

Hyunjin looked so good even after 4 hours of playing, the older always looked stunning if I wanted to be honest. Those sharp eyes and plumb lips. His visuals were just outstanding and his blonde long hair matched his yellow uniform so well.

As the seven boys were getting closer to him Hyunjin ran and hugged Seungmin, holding him by his waist as soon as they broke the hug. The younger boy caressed the olders hair mumbling 'you did well Jinnie'. Jisung didn't completely understood the situation. The boys had surely some explanation to do.

"Should we go to celebrate our win?" Hyunjin spoke up

"Mate do you realize we have two slytherins here? Not everyone's win..." Chan replied

"Oops my bad, you have to admit tho that we were quite better don't ya think Lee Minho?"

"Four hours to catch a golden thingy? That's doesn't sound like too good to me my friend." Minho spoke up sarcastically leaving Jisung smiling

"Whatever. Who's up for butterbeer?" The blonde suggested

The boys agreed and headed to the Hogsmeade all together to go to The Three Broomsticks. Known for it's butterbeer. Even if the name is butterbeer it's actually an alcohol-free. A foam-topped soft drink with a creamy butterscotch taste.

When they arrived they were not surprised by the amount of people this place had, many students seemed to have the same idea as them. They ordered and waited for their drinks to come.

"Soo Jinnie? What's up with our Seungmin?" Felix spoke up

They all now we're looking at Seungmin and Hyunjin who seemed to be left speechless.

"Nothing? We are friends." Hyunjin implied after a minute of silence

Seungmin turned red after the question but they decided not to push it any further as they already got their answer just by looking at their reactions.

When their drinks came they all started drinking on silence till Jisung started laughing out of nowhere, they all looked at Felix who had cream in his lips. Changbin when he saw that, didn't hesitated and he gave the younger a peck looking away quickly, leaving Felix all blushed and their friends all cringed.

Minho suddenly stopped drinking and stared at Jisung, looking directly at his lips too. When Jisung got aware of this he started blushing, thinking what he would Minho do? The same Changbin did? Why would he want that? Minho placed his drink on the table rested one of his hands on the top of Jisungs and with the other was trying to get the cream off Jisungs lips. Their friends were looking at them almost gazed. Jisung felt like he was about to explode and he was pretty positive that he looked like that too. When Minho finished his job, he just continued chatting with Chan like nothing happened leaving Jisung confused with his heart ready to explode in any minute.

After that they all went to their dorms as the day was coming to an end. But Minho had a better idea. As the others were heading to Hogwarts Minho spoke up to Jisung who was beside him the whole time for some reason 'Want to see something beautiful?' Jisung was confused as he thought the question for a bit

"What do you mean? You don't want to go back with the others?"

"I wanna show you something, I promise you'll like it"

Minho smiled to Jisung and the younger couldn't help it but smile back at him. Trusting the older.

"Guys me and Jisung are gonna go from here." Minho spoke up

"Wait Minho. You know where are you going? Plus it's pretty late we should be heading back soon" Chans dad instincts were acting up

"Don't worry we'll come back soon"

"Okay, just be careful please" Chan said with his obviously worried tone

"And if you lost Jisungie I'm gonna be after you for the rest of your life!!" Felix added making everyone jiggle a bit

"Yaa I'm not a dog to get lost" Jisung raised the tone og hia voice, laughing

The two boys said goodbye to their friends before going their own way.

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