Chapter 36

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The Dementor had officially left. Jisung was now conscious on Minhos arms but he was still feeling the numbness or heaviness of emotions from the attack. Too overwhelmed to move. After the incident both moved into the forest and settled themselves in a corner Minho had prepared just for their little 'date'.

They were sitting on a plaid mattress down to the grass, but it was comfortable enough nevertheless. Minho had taken some snacks such as chips and chocolate frogs and had placed them in a wooden basket next to them, looking around the trees were decorated with bright lanterns that were shining through the darkness of the night presenting a cozy and magical atmosphere.

Jisung was lying to the ground with his head on Minhos lap who was playing with the youngers hair making him feel at ease.

"Are you going to stop looking at me like this? I'm fine don't worry much. Plus there's no need of remembering any of it...just let it go." Jisung said facing the older who was wearing a worried expression all over his face "And then you say I'm getting worried easily..."

"Hey I there's a reason why I am worried! This was more serious than looking a bit pale..." He made a pause looking at the ground "I can't believe I let this happen..." Minho sighed and stopped brushing Jisungs hair.

Jisung lifted his arm making a move to hold the olders hand brushing it softly with his thumb.
"It's not your fault Min...and what was a Dementor doing at Hogwarts anyways?"

Minho smiled and with his free hand reached the basket and took out a chocolate frog. Chocolate is the perfect antidote for anyone who has been overcome in the presence of Dementors, which suck hope and happiness out of their surroundings. "Eat this..."

"It's okay Min-" Jisung declined but Minho didn't seemed to recede. So Jisung felt like he had no choice other than getting up and eating it. And surprisingly it seemed to help a lot more than he had imagined.

Minho chuckled a bit at the sight "You're so cute-"

"Stop it..." Jisung pouted a bit getting red as heck


A little bit time had past when Minho got up and shutted down the lanterns, that way they could see the stars better. They both lied on the ground next to each other and admired the view of the night sky.

"I used to do this with my dad a lot at our garden when I was younger. We could stay hours and hours there. My dad liked telling me the names and the story of every star separately...growing up I realized those stories, were just fairytales made from him just to see me smile..." Jisung sighed. He hasn't seen his parents and home in months it made him kind of nostalgic.

"You miss them huh?" Minho sympathetically asked

"Of course I couldn't I..." Jisungs face got darker, maybe it was just the dementor effect he thought

"Okay then we will go and see them Sungie." The older suggested

The Ravenclaw boy's eyes got wide "YOU MEAN IT?! OMG?!"

"Of course I do! Let's go see them next Saturday." Minho smiled warmly at the younger who seemed to be getting way too excited. He hugged the younger close and chuckled looking at his cute happy face.

Jisung buried his hair on Minhos chest hugging him back. In the olders arms for some reason he felt safe and secure, like he could stay there forever and forget everything "Minho..." Jisung pulled back to face the older, Minho hummed in response. "At the amusement park you asked me what do I take you for..."

"What about it?"

" I want to ask you the same thing..." Jisung made a pause sitting up "What do YOU take me for hyung?"

Minho smiled while he was sitting up as well "You want me to say boyfriend, aren't you squirrel?" He said teasingly

"I want to hear what you honesty want to s-"

Jisung got interrupted by a pair of lips collided on his for a quick peck "Okay then jokes aside, you are...the most important person I have in my life right now. I don't feel the need to explain how much you mean to me because I feel like real soulmates do not have to worry about those things *minsung 2krr* You're so cute my soulmate..."

Jisung didn't talked, he was quietly observing what the older just said "So we are platonic soulmates..."

Minhos eyes widened "Uh? Platonic? Didn't we stopped being platonic already since the times we made out or confessed to each other? Wowww I didn't excepted you to reject me Han Jisung!" Minho said sarcastically laughing at the younger

"I never rejected y-" Jisung got shy hearing what he was saying

"Then what if I ask officially? Will you reject me if I asked you to become my boyfriend?"

"The only way to learn the answer on this is by asking silly..." Suddenly Jisung felt confident, he was tired of this little game

"Okay then..." Minho made a pause taking a breath and turning around to face the younger completely "Han you want to become my boyfriend?"

Jisung smiled teasingly "Oh Lee Minho you're sooo brave for doing this. I'm fluttered but I think I have to think about my answer for like I don't know..."

"Huh?" That was absolutely not the answer Minho was waiting for

"Hahahah. It's cute how easily my dumbie gets fooled...yes Minho we can be boyfriends stop being so pouty hahahah." Jisung petted the olders hair

"I'm not being pouty...anyways let's go inside, it's getting kind of chilly and I don't want you to catch a cold." Minho got up offering a hand to Jisung

He happily accepted his help and held Minhos hand "Okay jagi let's go"

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