Chapter 42

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"Death eaters and who-know-who! They're coming!"

Jisung's face darkened, taking a moment to think if what the older was saying was in fact the thing he actually heard "Please tell me it's a joke, you're joking right?!"

There was no way it was a joke, it was written all over Minho's face. The fear and despair soon affected the younger as well. Many thoughts were going through their heads.

Jisung took the letter off Minho's hands and started reading it


Hey Sungie,

I need to be quick because I don't have much time. The thing is
...we're doomed haha. Death eaters and you-know-who are coming to Hogwarts and I needed to inform you as soon as possible.
Whatever you do DON'T COME IN HERE! Be smart and stay away from Hogwarts please...

And I know you won't listen to me anyways because you're a dumbie but that's for your safety.

See you soon


What's the right thing to do? Should they just stay there? Or should they go in the center of the attack risking everything they have? But at least that way they'll be able to protect their friends, fight by their side and make sure everyone's doing well.

The answer for both of the boys was obvious, they were going to go.

"Let's go Minho..." Jisung spoke up, getting a nod in response. Minho got off Jisungs embrace wiping the tears out of his face. "But I have to say bye to my mom first...I don't know when it'll be the next time I see her again." Jisung made a move to get up from the couch

"DON'T THINK LIKE THAT SQUIRREL!" Minho got up as well holding Jisungs face in his hands and brushing his cheek gently with his thumb "Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise!"

Jisung smiled to the older and headed to the kitchen where his mom was most likely to be sitting.

After they said goodbye to each other, with the promise they were going to meet really soon this time, the boys left the house and made their way to Hogwarts by their broom.


They soon arrived Hogwarts, Minho had his eyes closed because of his acrophobia until Jisung spoke up loudly and said something that made him open his eyes widely looking at the front.

Hogwarts had a protective shield all around it and they doubt if they could find a way pass this anytime soon. So they landed close to the shield, in the Forbidden Forests side to think of what they were going to do

"This is unexpected..." Jisung sighed "What are we going to do?" The younger turned his head to the older only to see something that he caught him off guard. A tall figure dressed in all-black, eyes almost hidden by his bangs, a questionable smile on his face, walking slowly to Minho's direction and from the look of it, he wasn't there for a good. The young boy was frightened, speechless and unable think of something drastic at that moment.

"M-Minho!" He shouted out loud, the only thing that came to his mind. The older turned his head to face what was the thing that made his boyfriend look as white as a sheet. But unfortunately the older man had quick enough reflexes which head locked Minho in a way that he was unable to shout out loud as soon as the Slytherin boy got to face the mysterious guy.

And just like that in a matter of seconds they apparated together leaving Jisung all shocked.

He fell down on his knees trying to get his thoughts in a line. Tears started to fall as he felt unprotected and lonely after a long time. 'What I am supposed to do now...'


At Hogwarts everyone was anxious. Dumbledore had gathered all the students on the Great Hall a few hours ago to inform them about what was coming. Some students decided to leave Hogwarts and go hide with their parents but most of them stayed there. Those hours the school had welcomed many parents, wizards from the ministry of magic qns students from other schools that were there in order to fight against dark wizard's dominion. As well as Chan's parents, his sister Rosè and Mina, Minho's sister.

The group of the boys along with Ryujin, her girlfriend Yeji, Mina and Rosè were gathered on the Astronomy Tower. They weren't sure if they were allowed to be there at all but they were looking for a place to escape from the rush and the chaos that were taking place to rest of the castle, allowing their minds to calm down a little bit after the shock they received. The group was sitting there speechless, too lost into their thoughts to actually communicate with each other.

"Now Jisung and Minho must have gotten the message..." Jeongin said breaking the silence, Felix just hummed in response "I'm scared..." The Gryffindor boy broke down in tears

Chan walked over to the younger "It's okay, everything is going to be okay" He said embracing him into a hug, softly brushing his black hair with his fingers.

Who wasn't scared to be honest...

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