Chapter 26

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TW: Mention of Su1c1dal Thoughts

"Where are we going Bin?" Felix said as he was being guided by Changbin, holding hands. The Slytherin did not answered, instead he gave the younger a smile.

Felix was confused as heck but to be honest he kind of didn't mind where the older was taking him. The couple has been together for almost three years and they've been through many difficult times together. Changbin was there when Felix was going through his darkest moments. One and a half years ago, Felix's mum died due to an attack that happened to her workplace by a bunch of death eaters. That period of time Felix was broken, he wasn't going to any classes, he stopped eating and he almost had given up life. Changbin was the person who was bringing him food every single day, even if he couldn't go inside his common room to give it to him, instead he was delivering them to Hyunjin in order to bring the food to the young boy. Also he was writing letters to him trying to cheer him up by planning their future together or telling him dry jokes only Felix liked.

They weren't together for too long but they had manage to reach a level of communication and love each other.

After a minute of walking they found themselves deep in the forest. There Felix saw one broomstick laying down to the floor. 'NO WAY-'. Changbin reached the broomstick and rode it, taping the seat behind him.

"Come on baby!" Changbin called the younger who wasn't moving

"Umm...Binnie where is the other broom?" Felix questioned, looking around in case he didn't saw it

"Bwhahahhd now come onnn, it's gonna get dark soon!"Changbin laughed

'OH HE WANTS US TO SHARE A BROOM' Felix finally understood the assignment and hoped on the broomstick trying to gain his balance.

"'re supposed to hug me...otherwise you're going to fall..." The Slytherin said in a quiet voice.

'Hug him? Oh yeah right!' Felix wrapped his hands around the olders waist. He felt his face heating up, yes they were together for quite a time but still the older never failed making him nervous with such simple actions.

They soon reached their destination. Changbin had requested Felix to close his eyes and the younger did so. He trusted the older with his life anygays. The Slytherin boy helped the Hufflepuff get off the broomstick and linked their arms so Felix wouldn't fall.

"Okay sunshine, you can open your eyes!"

Felix slowly opened his eyes. No way...THEY WERE AT THE BEACH. Felix loved beaches, they were his happy place. He always wanted to visit one with his boyfriend and the day had finally come.

They took of their shoes and Felix started jumping around like a cheerful kid. The couple got closer to the sea where they could feel the cold water on their legs. Felix was too focused on trying to find seashells and Changbin took his chance and splashed him with water.

"YAAA SEO CHANGBIN YOU'RE SO DEAD!" Felix started chasing Changbin around, they were laughing and giggling. Felix finally made it and almost catched him. But instead he took way too much impetus which made them both fall down in the sand, Felix on the top of Changbin. That's when Changbin took his another chance...

He dropped Felix in the sand and instead of the Hufflepuff boy, Changbin got on the top with Felix between his arms. At this time they weren't giggling or laughing, they seemed serious, Felix was dazed by the older. Changbins face got closer, the younger knew what was about to happen and closed his eyes.

And then the expected happened. They started a passionate kiss full of love and they both had their eyes closed enjoying it. The combination of the sea sounds and their slow breaths was etheric, their lips were soft and neither too dry nor too wet, it was just perfect.

At some point Changbin asked for concent to deepen the kiss which Felix happily gave without any hesitation. His teeth tugged at his lower lip as Changbins tongue sweeping past the youngers lips exploring his mouth. Felix slightly moaned at the action but kept kissing. Their tongues were moving together in slow motion, it tasted sweet and the feeling was amazing. The pleasure was now filling both of them.

After some minutes they pulled out to catch their breaths. They smiled at each other and hugged.


They were now cuddling under a palm tree. Changbins arms were embracing the younger who was sitting between his legs and resting his head of the olders chest, having their hands locked. The sun was setting and the atmosphere was romantic, a winter breeze was hitting them but Changbin had fortunately taken blankets so they were fine.

"Hey baby..." Changbin spoke up.

"Hm?" Felix seemed to be dosing off soon

"Do you have a date for the Ball?" The older asked


"WHAT?!" Changbin said quite loudly

"I'm jokinggg" Felix teased his boyfriend

"Ugh...anygays do you want know...go together?"

Felix turned out to face his boyfriend "Took you long enough Binnie..." he made a pause "Obsiously I want to..."

The older boy chuckled and pet the youngers head softly "I love you so much Lix!" Changbin letted out, not thinking of it much

"What?" Felix got up now totally facing the older. He knew what he said but he needed to hear it again.

"I said love you Lee Felix!" Changbin pecked Felix's nose leaving him all giggly. Felix got himself comfortable again at the olders chest.

"I love you too..." Felix said before closing his eyes again. The older smiled and covered him with a blanket that had fallen off his shoulders, kissing him on the top of his head and caressing his back...

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