Chapter 31

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'What the heck? Was the alcohol speaking? Yes it was. Minho said he love me it must be a mistake! Yes it was! Don't worry, nothing is gonna be weird Jisung! Just face him there's no reason why would this be akward! It was a mistake anyone could have made! Yes it was but-'

"What are you doing here?" Namjoon spoke up and sat in the floor beside Jisung. He was hidden next to his bed curled up and he seemed lost on his thoughs.

"OH HI! Didn't see you there!" He greeted the older. He was surprised he talked to him since they rarely did. He was closer to Mingi than Seungmin or him.

"Something happened right? You can tell me if you want I promise I'll help"

"Sure thank you..." he made a pause "When people are you think they are aware of their words?"

"Hm...some people say that drunk words are sober thoughts. I personally have been in a situation where a person confessed to me while he was drunk."

"AND?! WHAT HAPPENED?! Did he meant this?" Jisung got interested in Namjoons story

"Oh yes he did. He actually became my boyfriend after this. I was a year or two younger than you I think, and the person I liked was two years older. I liked him for quite a long time and he was the first who taught me what love and affection is-"

"Heyy Kim!" Mingi greeted Namjoon. He didn't saw Jisung right away but when he did, he got too excited and rushed into him "Ohhh Sungieee heyyy". He sat next to them and gave Jisung a hug before getting comfortable at the youngers lap. Jisung smiled and caressed his hair. 'This boy is like a huge baby'. Seungmin entered the dorm as well a few seconds after looking kind of confused at the image of his dorm mates at the floor

"What's happening here?" Seungmin questioned sitting on the floor as well.

"I was telling him a story about my first boyfri-" Namjoon explained


"I hope that's not a homophobic comment since YOU LITERALLY HAVE A BOYFRIEND YOURSELF SONG MINGI!" Seungmin spoke up

"It wasn't! I was just surprised... And what about you Kim Seungmin huh" Mingi smirked "What's going on with Hwang Hyunjin?"

"The Quidditch player?" Namjoon asked

"Guys why are you calling each other by your whole names. It's freakin me out!" Jisung screamed

"Yes he's the one. I suppose he's something special to me..." Seungmin blushed

"He's your boyfriend!"

"We never called each other that. We just kissed one time...maybe two...and pecked a bit...maybe...and then went to the Ball and danced together. But he never asked me to become his boyfriend or anything else. I don't know if I should ask tho..."

"NAHH YOURE ALREADY MARRIED ANYGAYS!" Mingi teased the younger who blushed harder

"Heyhey, let Namjoon-Hyung continue guys! It was getting interesting!" Jisung interrupted them

"Haha thank you Jisung. So I was saying...he confessed to me while drunk. He was two years older and he was the first person who taught me was love really was. We were together for two years, we were both basically children and we really weren't thinking about the future. Long story short I never saw him after his graduation, I thought he just didn't loved me anymore. I was heartbroken, I used to cry myself to sleep sometimes and in general I wasn't in the best mood. Before this year started I met his mum at Diagon Alley incidentally, she had no news from him as well since his graduation and they had completely lost any contact. I have a feeling he's doing okay, but something happened to him. I wish I knew something more though...I miss him." Namjoon let a tear down before pushing a smile on his face. "So something about the person who confessed at you now that you can! If you don't you're going to regret it A LOT in the future, believe me. Let Minho know about your feelings..."

"How do you know-" Jisung said with wide eyes.

"Jisung's not hard to figure out...I've seen you two together. You're perfect for each other. You remind me of me and him a lot, this spark in your eyes when you look at each other it's not something that happens everyday, you're lucky to experience it at least once in your lifetime."

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