Chapter 3

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The next days Minho tried to get in touch with Jisung but it seemed like he couldn't find him anywhere. He stopped going with his friends at the Great Hall during breaks, even skipping meals.

Minho sometimes was even waiting outside the Ravenclaw common room in hope that he will bump into him eventually. He felt guilty about what he said to him, he wanted to apologize at least in case he said something offensive.

He didn't mean to insult Jisung or make him feel bad for the fact he was a muggle-born but he could imagine that this specific topic could be sensitive and triggering for him. The Slytherin didn't wanted to give up on the younger, not yet, he somehow felt attacked to the boy, in a really weird way he couldn't explain.

After his classes ended he decided to go to the castle grounds in hope he'll find Jisung. Luckily for him he spotted him sitting there, under his tree, reading something like always. He didn't want to scare him like he did last time, so he quietly went to stand by the youngers side.

"Hello, I can leave if I'm bothering you.." He spoke up quietly

The younger was surprised, but not scared from Minho's sudden appearance beside him. He turned his head and met the orders eyes looking at his with worried expression.

"Hey. Why would you be bothering me anyway?"

"Don't know, just in case..."

Jisung hummed with a little smile, patting the empty spot next to him for Minho to sit. Apparently when the older sat down, Jisung found him closer than he imagined. He felt weird, like his heart was about to explode. He was scared that the older could hear his heat beating. Minho had already closed his eyes leaning to the tree feeling tired from the day. Jisung continued reading his book in silence having a faint smile on his face.

When Minho opened his eyes he met a Jisung still reading his book.
He looked at him, he was too focused on his book that he couldn't tell that the older was looking at him. The boy looked extremely cute to handle that he soon found himself staring for quite a long time, he somehow really loved the feeling of Jisung next to him.

Not long after, Jisung turned his head meeting the older eyes once again. He was quite sure that at some point his breathing had stopped and his heart had skipped a bit. The older eyes were too pretty, he could even swear they had stars shining inside them. For some reason that made them both feel secure and another feeling that was new to both of them.

Some days past just like that. Minho and Jisung were too busy and almost had no time to meet each other due to their studies mostly. Minho was a senior so he had much more stuff to do and more classes to attend.

This day Jisung had just finished his class in defense against dark arts and he was heading to his common room to relax a bit. But something seemed off, he had spotted some fifth year Slytherins following him since he left class. To be honest he had a feeling that someone was watching him and apparently he was right. He immediately started walking faster and faster getting stared by the students on his way but he couldn't care least. He knew Slytherins like them, a little bit too well, they were feared by everyone. But to Jisung's eyes, there were nothing else than some coward bastards who feel powerful by assaulting first years.

Not thinking more about this more he focused on his only goal he had at the moment, stop being chased. He regretted not going with Seungmin to the Great Hall a little bit too much and now look were he was, being followed by some jerks whose intentions most likely weren't the best. 'Great' Jisung thought to himself.

He continued walking, almost running but it seemed like they were faster than him. While running one of them shouted "Hey mudblood!". Jisung froze, he hated this, he hated this nickname, he hated the fact that he was being insulted because his parents weren't wizards and he most importantly hated people like them.

"What do you want from me?"

Jisung stopped walking, he was sick of this, he just wanted to leave. They were surprised by Jisungs attitude and confidence. They didn't seemed too happy about it though.

"Look at him being all confident!" one of them laughed

"Don't talk like that to me you fucking mudblood! Cut that damn attitude of yours before you seriously regret it!" Someone else added

"Yeah? Look at me doing it. What are you gonna to do about it asshole?"

To be honest Jisung regretted it the second he said it, but he was so tired of their behavior that couldn't hold himself from saying it. He saw them getting angrier. Then one of them grabbed his wand. Jisung was scared, he could have defended himself but unfortunately had frozen on the spot.

"Wanna see what I'm gonna do you dickhead?"

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