Chapter 62

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"The real war!" Seungmin said coldly "You apparently managed to kill one of their men before fainting so they started attacking us. We lost many people Jisung..."

Jisung's eyes widened. They lost students...NO! "IS CHAN, HYUNJIN AND JEONGIN OKAY?!" He couldn't stand losing another loved one. Not after what happened to...

"Yes they are. Hyunjin demanded me and Jeongin to leave the place with you, I tried to argue back but he was adamant so in due course that's what we did. I hid you in here and Jeongin left with Ryujin to their common room. You were sleeping for nearly two days Sung..." He boy sniffled

That was such a relief he thought... "And where are everyone now? Death Eaters? Voldemord?"

"He's dead!" He spoke up "Professor Snape killed him!"

'Professor Snape...' He was the one who was rumored of working with the dark lord. Jisung felt his head hurting worse, his mind was a fuss, like it had been stuffed with cotton. Though his body couldn't stop producing tears and his body was uncontrollably shaking.
'My baby...'

"Mingi visited while you were asleep. He brought us some food. He also explained everything to me..."

Jisung looked around and spotted an unfamiliar bag next to his bed "And the others?"

The younger breathed out, shutting his eyes "Everyone else is gathered at the grounds of the castle... They are planning on holding a ceremonial for all the people who left us." He was unsure for his answer knowing how his friend would react

"I have to go..." Jisung kicked the blankets away from his body and made a move to get up. Unsuccessfully...

The boy had gotten up and pinned him down to his bed "You can't go right now. You haven't eaten anything, you're burning up and you're dehydrated. I don't want you to pass out again Sungie..."

"I need to go Seungmin..." his expression changed, he wasn't shaking or sniffling anymore. He was all serious

The younger Ravenclaw was doubtful but eventually agreed on the supposition that he would eat something and wear a jacket at all times.


The boys had walked down the stairs and they were standing outside the Great Hall. The view was depressing. The place was surely a mess. Everything seemed grayish and dull not the colourrful and cheering atmosphere they were used to. The flags of each house that were placed on the ceiling oh so proudly were teared down. The walls were almost knocked apart and the tables were completely destroyed, leaving a few broken woods here and there.
Seungmin held Jisung's hand in order for them to move away. The place must be waking up a lot of memories Jisung wasn't ready to deal with. The place where they used to eat all together, joking around, restlessly teasing each other...everything was gone. Gone along with the people he loved the most...

They eventually left the place, their fingers were still locked heading to the castle grounds. Jisung was silent and his expression was serious. His eyes were hiding so much pain and despair at the moment and Seungmin could feel that...

"JISUNG!" Someone called out.

The blonde boy turned around in order to identify the person who was calling him.

"INNIE!" He spoke up with tears on his eyes, facing his friend. He immediately unlocked his fingers with Seungmin, ran to the boy infront of him and opening his arms widely for a hug.

"I missed you Sung! You really scared me back then..." The younger letted out the moment the Ravenclaw was finally on his arms. "And...I'm really sorry about Minho..."

'M-Minho...' He was trying not to think about this. But he couldn't help it. He felt worse than the time a dementor was trying to consume his soul. Empty and he was the one that died that night...
But thinking about it, that wasn't completely wrong. A part of him really died that night...

Jisung didn't replied anything to Jeongin. He was too lost in his thoughs that completely forgot.

The three boys got out of the castle, currently stepping into the grounds where he spotted Hyunjin and Chan in the crowd. When they noticed their friends presence they walked towards them in order to hug Jisung who's attention was on something else.

All wizard and witches were gathered in a specific area. He needed to see. The young boy reached out to the place and walked into the crowd, bumping into a few people in process. Hyunjin went after him. Suddenly Jisung let out a sob...
They were standing infront of a pile of burning candles....

"Each one of them represents a person we lost..." Hyunjin explained

The boy was dazed, facing the candles overwhelmed by his emotions. 'There are a lot...why so many...'

"You see...there isn't one for Minho though..."

At the mention of his name a tear fell, he faced Hyunjin with glassy eyes.

"We were waiting for you... Mina said it's better if you do it. Can you Sungie?"

Tears started falling once again, agreeably humming to the boy. The realization was hitting him hard. Hyunjin caressed Jisung's shoulder before leaving and coming back with a candle on his hands which Jisung silently accepted.

'That's for you my love. It's so bright and stunning like you...' the Ravenclaw stepped to the front before kneeling down to place the candle with the others.
'Never stop burning please...'



In a matter of seconds students raised their wands up to the sky, where the souls of their loved ones where being treasured. Their eyes were shining, that's what Jisung believed they were the memories flushing infront of their eyes. Everyone had their own story, their own reason to grief. Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. Some people say grief works like a medicine but in the young boy's case, it hurted so bad. Endings are not pleasant. Happy endings are not a thing.

'Instead of a happy ending why can't we have a happy middle and start together. I want you back...'

Where his soulmate used to be...there'll have a hole in the world. A hole he knows Jisung won't be able to fill no matter how hard he tries. But he could never give up the last present his love gave him, he could never give up life. Instead he felt like he needed to try live his life to the fullest. Because wouldn't that be what this person would want him to do?

Maybe in a next life we will be able to have a happy start, middle and ending together.
The wishes we didn't got to fulfill, the story we didn't got to finish...
I will never stop loving and missing you Min! Goodbye forever my soulmate.
-Your squirrel


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